Universe, Oh Universe

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Universe, Oh Universe,

I want to run fast, I want the wind trying to stop me and fail, I want the leaves to not be able to caress my feet, I want the sky scared seeing me run. I want it to rain as I run. Wet and tired, but still running. Oh Universe, I want to run, let me run, as fast as possible. If I fall I promise I will get up, just give me a little strength, if I drop then tell my lover to put me in his laps and smile till I become the breeze, flying across his lips, flying far away with birds. Oh Universe let me run, fast, its okay if I fall, its okay if I die, its okay if I don't get to breathe and my heart feels chocked, its okay. Let me run fast. If I bleed I will give it to you, if I meet the angels I will tell them about you, if I see demons I will dance with them, if I forget remind me that my soul was tampered. Remind me how I was pulled to detach, from all the better halves of the world, remind me how I only got the darkness, remind me that I am no Cinderella or snow white, I have been sleeping beauty and princess jasmine, waiting for them to happen to me but then remind me how I felt nauseous in the moist 4 walls, remind me how I pulled my armour, from the ice. Remind me, that I am elsa. Standing alone frozen. Don't worry about me, I have made peace. And if they come around, tell them I was tired waiting so I moved, I ran among the valleys, with the water fall, tell them to look for me if they want. But Universe, oh my Universe, I want to run, I want the world, I want the breeze touching me turn into someone's breathe, I want the words from my lips, turn into someone desire to know, I want my fingers to weave a magical world, so that your kin get to see many worlds. So Universe, oh Universe, let me run fast. Let me have the world, before I give it to you back. Let me have all of it before I hug you.

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