Watching T.V with Andy

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(Y/n) = your name
(Your thoughts are typed in brackets)

" Aaanndddyy- " You pouted looking at your boyfriend. He stopped looking at the t.v to look at you with amusement in his eyes.

" Yes? " He asked innocently. You pinched his arm. Hard.

" Ow! What the hell was that for? " he asked glaring at you. You shrugged.

" I told you to give me my iPod back. I need my music to live. " You replied pleading with your eyes.

" You don't need it to live " he replied turning back towards the t.v " plus you have the real music source right here. " he continued, gesturing towards himself.

" You're an idiot. " you smiled slightly " Now give it back! " You shouted at him making him smile.

" What's the magic word? " he asked cheekily, still not looking at you.

" Please? " You asked thinking- hoping he would give you your iPod back.

" Nope that's not it. " he smirked at your reaction. Which was to throw your arms in the air dramatically and lean your head back on the couch you were both currently sitting on. 

" (Y/n)? " he asked turning away from the t.v to look at you. You didn't answer. (Yeah I'm giving you the silent treatment. That's what you get you jerk.)

"(Y/n)? " he asked again this time turning his whole body towards you. He gently lifted your chin and turned your face towards him. (No be strong! Keep your eyes closed!)

" Open your eyes... " You could almost hear him smirk. 

" Nope not gonna happen. " You said pushing his hand away from your face and jumping up from the couch before running out of the room.

" No (Y/n), come back here! " You heard him shout. You heard a thud and before you knew it, fast footsteps were following you around your apartment. 

" Haha! I'm too quick for you! " You taunted, laughing, turning around to look at him. Then everything went black. You woke up lying on the floor in front of the wall at the end of the corridor. Then you heard someone laughing.

" Ow.. What happened? " You asked rubbing your forehead, while sitting up. Andy stopped laughing for a moment and looked at you. 

" You- you were- running away from me- and then you turned to look at me and ran into a wall! " he answered between bits of laughter. When he finished he started laughing all over again. 

" Why is that funny?! I could be dying! I could have a concussion! " You shouted flailing your arms around dramatically. He grabbed your arms gently and placed them by your sides.

" Stop overreacting (Y/n)! " he said whilst laughing at you again. (Worlds greatest boyfriend right here. You're going to pay for that darling.)

" You're mean " You pouted, lying back down on the ground. 

" Come on. Let's go watch Supernatural. " He said trying to pull you up. 

" I'm too tired to get up " You replied closing your eyes. (Please pick me up and carry me. Please pick me up and carry me. Please pick me up and-)

" I guess I'll just have to carry you there!" He exclaimed, picking you up bridal style and waking back towards the living room. You smiled.

" Why thank you kind sir! " You said. You opened your eyes and looked up at him. " You need to shave " You frowned looking at the stubble appearing on his chin. He chuckled and looked down at you. 

" What if I don't? " he questioned looking back up so as to not walk into a wall.

" Then I won't kiss you ever again! " You answered sticking your hands up in the air. You put your left hand down and looked at your knuckle. (Why are you hurting? It looks kinda red...) " Why are you hurting?! Stop hurting.... " You said still looking at your knuckle hoping it would answer your question. You heard Andy sigh.

" (Y/n). First of all it won't answer you. Second of all look at my face. " he said exasperated. You looked up at him to see a bruise starting to form on his face. You looked back at your knuckle, then him and then your knuckle again.

" Well done " You told it, patting it affectionately. Andy huffed and rolled his eyes. As you both finally entered the living room he walked over to the couch and literally dropped you onto it.  

" Ow! " You shouted at him whilst rubbing the back of your head which had hit the armrest. You pouted and looked at him bringing on fake tears. He looked at you before frowning and bending down next to you. He reached his hand out and right before it touched your cheek, he pulled it back. 

" Stop crying, it doesn't work on me anymore. " he smiled before standing up and plopping himself down on the couch next to you after lifting your legs. He placed your legs on his lap and turned on the t.v. 

" Yes it does so stop with the attitude, and can we restart the series all over again? Please, please, please! " You begged clasping your hands together and bringing them in front of your face. He looked at you and you did puppy dog eyes. He smiled slightly before sighing. (What can I say? I knew what made my boyfriend do things for me. Except for apparently my fake crying. Damn it! It used to work all the time! Maybe I didn't make enough tears...) You frowned thinking about how you had failed. Andy glanced over at you, whilst setting up Supernatural.

" Stop frowning. I like it when you're happy. Not when you frown. " Andy told you looking back at the t.v.

" Oh so you don't like me when I'm not happy? " You asked offended. Andy huffed.

" That's not what I meant! " he said a bit louder than his usual tone. (Well someone's a bit moody...)

" Ok moody pants. Whatever you say. " You replied rolling your eyes at him. You looked back at the t.v.

" Ok it's ready. Do you want some food? " Andy asked you.

" That's a stupid question Andy. Of course I do. " You answered looking at him with a duh look. He rolled his eyes and smiled before standing up and heading towards the kitchen. You sat up and grabbed the blanket from off the floor where Andy had put it for some reason.

" What would you like? " he called from the kitchen. You thought for a moment before replying.

" Are there any brownies left? " You answered back. He paused briefly before you heard him mutter something quietly. You still heard him though.

" Brownies. Always brownies. Why did I even ask? " he chuckled a little before actually answering your question.

" Of course there is! We're at your place! " He laughed a little before coming back and setting a plate of brownies on your lap.

" Thank you! You're the best boyfriend ever! " You exclaimed happily. He looked at you and gave you a cocky grin.

" Of course I am! God duh! You'd think you'd have known from the beginning." He grinned whilst sitting down next to you on the couch. You smiled and he leaned over pressing a small kiss on your lips. 

" I love you " he said whilst pulling away.

" I know. " You looked at him and grinned.  

" Pfft rude. " He said whilst turning around to look at the t.v.

"Ha! That's what you get for laughing at my pain! " You smiled and crossed your arms before turning to the t.v. Andy huffed and turned so that his back was facing you. You looked at him for a moment before getting bored of his silence.

" Aw I'm just joking Andy! I love you too! " You exclaimed, wanting your boyfriend to talk to you again. He turned around and put his arm around your shoulders and moved himself closer to you.

" Good. " He said before turning to you and kissing you again. After two minutes of kissing, you pulled away. 

" Okay let's watch supernatural now! Quick press play! " You smiled and looked at the t.v. Andy just rolled his eyes before clicking on play all.

" I love you " he whispered.

" I love you too " You whispered back before picking up a brownie and leaning your head on his shoulder. You spent the rest of the night watching supernatural before you fell asleep on his shoulder. The brownie plate had been cleared though.

Andy Biersack x Reader (1) - Watching t.v with AndyWhere stories live. Discover now