Chicken Nuggets and Cockiness

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Wohoooo babies *flies through the window with a superwoman cloak (more like my grandmas' red blanket)*. Hey don't look at me like that, I came to save the damsel in distress and I love making an entrance. ;) Here you go another bit of Lohan's cockiness and Awya's sassyness to spice you guy's bad day.

Listen to the media folks seems like awya might love this song anytime sooner.

  "The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed."
― C.G Jung

Chapter 8

*Open's the door*

Awya stared at the handsome greek-god in front of her with an awestruck face not to mention a gaping mouth.

The look didn't go unnoticed. "Babe I know I look edible and all that but seriously looking at me like that doesn't help, come here and get me, my princess".

The cockiness bought her back to reality. If looks could kill Awya would be behind bars already guilty charged for a horrendous murder. She wished she could wipe of that heart clutching smirk of his. This man who was standing in front of her could make her blush within seconds of his presence and make her go from innocent to a wild tigress within the next. He did that to her.

She cleared her throat motioning him to come in.

"You eh...wanted to apologies I suppose? Go ahead Lohan um all ears. Might as well video this". She took her camera focusing it on a scowling Lohan and pretended to act as one of those presenters in a reality show who spoke their rehearsed script before one of the famous celebrities walked in waving and smiling.

"Shut up, pale girl. The only thing you can do is be nice to the guy who went through a lot of hardship to get you two buckets of chicken nuggets and beer"

She cocked her head to the side raising an eye brow.

"What? There's lot of traffic, the huge queue in KFC?"

"Uhuh yeah Lohan going to the close by KFC that's like only ten minutes away is hardship?"

He sighed giving up. "Fine look Awya lets cut the whole hostile act. I am really sorry. I know I have been a douche all this time, forced myself into you and been the decent girl you are I'm sure you felt if you would open up and agree you'll look like an easy f*ck. But no you are wrong I will never take advantage of you. As cliché as this may sound when I saw you that day running off with a simple sorry and blush on your cheeks trust me you made me swoon. I've never seeing a shy girl before in my life. I've always wanted a girl who blushes when I say something cocky that it makes her look so innocent and vulnerable. It gives this whole sense of a new foreign feeling of responsibility to protect her from the cruel and spoilt world outside. You were my love at first sight Awya ".

Running fingers through his already messy hair he looked uneasy and tired all of a sudden. He had bags under his eyes. His cool and confidence demeanor was replaced with confusion and rejection. He was hurt and it was because of her. Awya instantly felt bad for taking him on a chase.

She agreed wholeheartedly that during these few days she enjoyed the attention she got from him. If he looked fugly as a troll she would still be excited and pumped up every time he flirts with her. Because she been the neglected and not wanted girl, was longing for a bit of love and appreciation. She was selfish and bitchy and she realized it now.

She knew she liked him chasing after her but at the same time she felt frightened about all the foreign feelings she experienced in this new relationship so she didn't want to give in. She didn't want to trust him and get her dark and lonely soul broken and damaged. His reputation didn't definitely help her every time she wanted to make a decision either. So here she was standing in front of The West High's famous Casanova deciding to either kick his balls or make love with him.

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