Hard Love

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Chapter one

Do not pirate, right from editor

   Angy's P.O.V

A sunny afternoon, in my bedroom scrolling through my I-pad, summer has been boring for the past two weeks, remaining six weeks, oh! my God, summer of boredom. Angy!, Angy!!, yes dad, eugh I guess another talk.

       Angy, dad said, I and your mum will be going for a business trip tomorrow to Morocco,  so we are dropping you off at texas in Danny's house.  Note: Danny is my best friend, we are actually five, Danny,  Jeffery, Nancy, Stella and I, what a fun time it was going to be?!!!, so mum continued, we want you to go pack your clothes cus by 9 am we are leaving the house, our flight is by 3 pm. ok mum, and I ran upstairs almost flying, I brought out my blue box and packed my clothes I couldn't forget my lovely blue flipflops, I would just die, I threw all my makeup from my dressing table into my little makeup bag, less I forget we are seventeen year old teenagers, night came by a little fast, I didn't have much appetite, so I kissed mum and dad goodnight and went upstairs.

           Morning came, I woke up, had my bath and wore a cute skinny jeans blue to be precise, with a pink tank top abd a boyfriend jacket, then I wore a pink vans and packed my hair a messy doughnut,  I went downstairs with my box and my handbag anf waited for mum and dad to be ready,  then by 8:45 am we set off, Well, new york to texas wasn't all that far, just like an hour drive.

         I slept a while in the car and woke up 10 mins to texas,  and my best friends all complete run out to see me, then I was about to go when dad, dragged me back remember to be a good girl, he reminded, yes dad I know, bye I kissed him and mum and I hopped off waving , have a safe flight.

             I hug all my friends,  so I carry my things upstairs and started sorting it out, then I heard a knock onthe door and I say "come in" and Danny comes in.

  Danny's P.O.V

  oh! my gosh, she is damn beautiful, I just stare at het beauty as I walk in, wait why am I even here? for know reason, oh! I have to find what to say,  what?, I hear het say as she knocks me out of thought,  em nothing,  just came to check on you, well okay, she says, then I turn back to go and she says, wait, I looked and saw her gigging, shit she is beautiful,  well I have alot of gist, she chatters about school, teachers, bous and stuff,  she talks and talks, she is pretty.


  Angy's P.O.V

   As I talked om and on, he is not being himself, but I just push it aside and rant on, then I said why don't you jost come back later,  ok, he says anf about to go and I say please call Stella, then he walks out,  after ten minutes,  Stella wasn't forthcoming, I was about to go and look for her when Jeffrey comes in and says hello baby and hug him and he reaches out to kiss me but I stop him, what the heck do u wanna do, is it bad to hug your girlfriend, you mean your ex, how many times will I tell you, its over, before I could finish he just pressed his lips to mine, I tried to fight it felt do cold,  Stella walks in, what the heck is going on here, Angy!!!!. 

       Stella's P.O.V

Angy, but you too are broken up, how come, wait hold on a sec, am confused, then Jeffery walks out. Angy I need an explanation.

       Angy's P.O.V

..........see Stella, I dont know,  he just kissed me unwillingly but I know it wont happen again, so how's Nancy, she went to to get something from the store, Stella replied,  I looked at the clock oh my,  its time for dinner lets go.

       Jeffrey P.O.V

As she walks down the staircase, I remember the kiss,  she didn't want to,  so it wasny all that good,  I have to gey her I really have to,  hey bro, I felt a soft tap on my shoulders,  I turn back and see Danny, yeah wats up, not , just watching cool surfs said Danny, okay come on lets go.

     Days later

    Danny's P.O.V

I need to get her to like me , i love this girl, for nine years I have known her, she is just growing her value, I need to love her.

       Okay guys, why don't we just watch a movie, what about vampire diaries, yeah,  they chorused, I get the popcorn, I'll get the soda and Angy said I get the love seat, we settle down for the movie,  I sat close tp Angy,  any fright in the film, she screams in  my chest and trust me it felt good, a little while later she falls  a sleep, on my shoulders,  then I carry her to het room,  place her on the bed, and I lay beside her.

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