The Step Back

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Angy's P.O.V

......... i tried to process what i was seeing, Danny was kissing Stella, if i was not mistaken, on my freaking birthday, i tried to stop the tears from flowing but they just flowed right out, Danny cheated on me, before i could think again i started running towards the stairs ignoring Danny as he was calling my name, then the tears blocked my vision and the the last thing i saw before i blacked out was Jeffery.


I woke up hearing voices, like they were arguing, i could pick out Danny's voice, but i couldn't hear what he was saying, wait where am i, the last thing i remember is Danny kissing Stella, Hey she's awake, i heard someone say.

Danny's P.O.V

I came back to my senses immediately Angy called my name, then i realized that i just cheated on Angy, before i could say anything Angy was running away, i ran after her calling her name, but she ignored, then as i was about to grab her hand she tripped on the staircase, and hit her hand and her head, then i saw Jeffery walking down the stairs the he ran to help her but it was too late Angy had lost consciousness, at that moment i felt like killing  myself first i cheat on her now, she fainted on her birthday , am such a fucked up guy, i ran to help her up but Jeffery beat me to it, i wanted to help her up but Nancy screamed at me not to touch her, she said i had done enough already, then they took her to the hospital, and i drove sulkily behind them, trying not to have an accident because all i could see was Angy's crying face.

On entering Angy's ward because i was not allowed immediately, i saw Jeffery holding her hands as Nancy had gone to tidy up things, why the fuck are you holding her hands, i spat at Jeffery, letting my jealousy get the best of me, then he stood up, well i was holding her while you were they messing up yourself, you this douche bag, he retorted back, i didn't know how to reply because what he said was true, i really messed up, then i saw her eyes flutter open, hey she's awake, was all i could mutter, then i ran and grab her hand and she winced out in pain, am so sorry, i told her, don't touch me, she painfully said, i could see it in her eyes that she was trying her best not to cry, you cheated on me Danny, i trusted you but you betrayed i regret ever dating you, then she began to cry, i........., i couldn't bring myself to tell her that i was drunk, that will even break her more, i really fucked up, then she cleaned her hands with her left hand, and put on a serious face, Danny, i do not want to see you, get out.

Angy's P.O.V

 i  told him to leave me, i hated him at that moment, then he nodded, and stood up, i didn't want him to leave i wanted him to fight, but he just stood up, like a wimp, then as he was about was about to open the door, the doctor came in, how are you feeling now Angy, the doctor asked, my right hand hurts a million, and my head aches bad, i replied him, well that is because you fell on your hand and your head, but don't worry i have written down drugs for you and for your hand you are gonna have to wear a cast, the doctor said, okay thank you doctor, then he walked out so did Danny with a pained look on his face.

sorry for not uploading for so long, i had school stuff to do, well i won't be able to upload from next i have a school program, so the story is going to be on a hold, but ill try and upload a lot before i go.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2016 ⏰

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