1. Who-No WHAT are you!?

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*Bring* *Bring* 


You screamed as you fell off the bed, hitting your head. 'haiy' you thought as you rubbed you head with your left hand. You got up and looked at the time. 


you scratched your butt, walking to the bathroom to get ready for the hellish work day. You brushed your teeth,hair and got your makeup done. Tho you never liked makeup, you still wear were it almost everyday. You didn't really have a choice, you were the boss of your company after all. You got ready in a black tight, turtle neck dress and a black piece of cloth with gold embroidery on it. Just before you could get out of your room, you heard a loud BANG from downstairs. Hearing that made you panic. What or Who could have broken to your house. 

you quickly grab a pistol from the drawer of you nightstand. You slowly go downstairs, trying not to make noise. You bit your lower lips. You got down stairs and went to the living room. You stopped at the sight before you. You couldn't believe it. You raised your gun and looked at them straight in the eyes. 

"Who-no What are you?! State your purpose!" 

You said out loud so that they could hear you. One bold one tried to jump at you but you quickly moved away and shoot the gun near them, not trying to hurt them but at the same time warn them. Your eyes quickly search for someone who looked weak. You quickly grabbed one of them that seems to have a Austria flag? Well it didn't matter to you at the moment. You grabbed them and put your gun on their head. Some were unconscious and some were conscious. The ones that were conscious started to panic, one with North Korea flag stepped up and started to curse like a mad man. Really at this point your ears wanted to just die. A man with a British flag came close, 

"Hello there, Could you please put the gun away?" 

he said in a calm voice that almost convinced you to do so. You glared at them as if to warn them not to get close. Another one with a Germany flag gets closer to the British flag one. 

"Ma'am, please try to understand. We are here to cause no harm. In fact we don't even know why we are here" he said. Really,do they think of you as a fool? You thought. 

"If you didn't intended to come here then how did you get here?" You asked in a low threatening voice. 

 "Well..... We were doing some experiments and...... That ended up opening a portal." The British flag spoke. 

Wait so they aren't humans?no..... They aren't even from our dimension?! Thoughts were running around you mind. 

 "So, would please release my brother.." The Germany flag one said. He eyes looked like they were begging you but at the same time they wanted to slaughter you.

you gulped as you let the Austria flag one go. As soon as you let go the Germany flag rushed to the Austria one.The Austria flag one...well obviously didn't like you now. Wandering what they were you asked them. They looked at you for a bit, then a France looking flagged person took a step and said,

"We are Countryhumans". Countryhumans? Are they like country and human mixed race? You thought.

"As you see, we are not from this dimension. We have no place to stay. So we were hoping that you would let us stay considering you have a....well a very large home." The British 'Countryhuman' spoke. 

Wh-WHAT? Are they out of they're thin mind set?! How could you let them stay at your house?! You just met them?! Your thoughts were now going wild, thinking what to do and what not.

 "Bro, I know this might seen suddenly but please" someone from behind the three 'Countryhumans' said. He came close and from the looks, he must be the United States of America and following him must be Russia. You chuckled at the sight of Russia. I mean, you were from Russia. So does that make him your mother? 

"Not OUR"| Countryhumans x Female!Reader | Sino Raijin Where stories live. Discover now