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Your phone buzzes, it takes everything in you not to rip it from your pocket instantly. Instead, you finish making your coffee, leaning back against the counter as you continue to stew in the mandatory time you were required to wait before everyone accepted your boss wasn't coming and it was time to find something better to do. You glance at the table, everyone huddled close makes you reconsider taking your normal seat. You focus on taking a long sip of the piping hot liquid and setting it down slowly as you pulled your phone from your pocket.

You can't do anything halfway can you?

You bite down your smile, if House were here there's no way you'd be getting away with it but every one else is far too involved in their own business to care what's going on in your little corner of the world. Your thumbs tapped quickly, making sure to flit your eyes quickly between the screen and windowed walls just in case.

I don't think I'll get away with playing dumb. The corner of your lip instinctually lifts at how quickly, no you will not, slides into the app. There's a sudden thump close by, one you know well. Just in case you don't get to see me today. Slipping the electronic quickly back into your pocket and taking another long gulp before he'd made it through the door. That shit eating grin that told you today was going to be a long day.

Except it wasn't, not for you at least. Drawing the short straw and having to pick up your bosses clinic hours. Surely he was attempting to punish you for something but it didn't seem much like it. You were away from truly prying eyes, able to look at your phone without raised eyebrows and all those unruly questions. The ones you wouldn't even know how to answer if someone did ask. You still wait till you've made it to the main floor and almost inside the double doors before stepping off to the side to read the screen.

Seems unlikely. Rolling your eyes at his sureness, you're about to respond with something snarky but you're tossed off balance but the newly incoming message. Those pants have to be painted on. You remember complaining about how there seemed to be no real walls here when youd started but more and more you had begun to appreciate it. Especially when you looked up to find his dark brown gaze, corner of his lips twitching before turning his attention to grab a manilla file and towards the waiting room. Now you just have to spend all day thinking about what they're painted over.

House wasn't entirely wrong about the clinic being a parade of idiots. But it had it's perks. About two hours in there was a lull. It wouldn't last long, just a scant few minutes. But a few minutes is all you needed. Locking the exam room door, you leaned against the wood and take a deep breath. It's another step, one you've been thinking about since you'd stuffed your panties into the pocket of his slacks before heading out of his apartment when he hopped in the shower. Which left you commando, something you hoped he hadn't been able to get out of his mind because you didn't have any messages telling you otherwise.

That would solve this issue.

Making sure the blinds are completely closed and checking the door for the third time you set about on your plan. Tugging the lab coat off, next came your sweater, sans tank top as James destroyed it the night before and you didn't think you could get away with on of his t-shirts underneath without someone noticing the fabric or the smell. Tailored pants and a lacey red bra, matching the fabric that might still be in his pocket. You flicked your eyes to the clock, you probably had a minute or two before some nurse knocked on the door. Angling the phone you took a few quick shots, putting yourself back together lightning fast and flicking the lock before collapsing on the rolling stool. When you were sure no one was going to come barging in you flipped through the shots.

You'd have liked better lighting and more time but it wasn't about getting it just right. It was about the act, something James had been teaching you since this flurry of an affair had begun just weeks ago. How did it feel like this had just started while having gone on forever. You pick one and delete the rest, keeping the idea of a professional shoot tucked in the back of your mind when the picture appeared in the messages tab just under your previous text to him. No words were necessary, so you sent it off. Just in time it seems because the door floor open and in popped House's head.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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