chapter six

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Chaz grinned, standing in front of the door to moxxie's and yours home.

He couldn't believe it, he was finally going to meet yous. After hearing from his father's phone calls about you and moxxie.

He was excited, letting his father smooth his hair down, fixing his outfit scolding him.

The door opened, revealing his father's friend with two children in front of him. One wore a sweater with a little red bowtie while the other wore an outfit similar to his father's friend.

"Crimson! It's so good to see you "

His father spoke excitedly, laying a hand down on chaz's shoulder. Crimson forced a fake smile.

"It's good to see you too."

Chaz smiled, flashing his chipped tooth, waving at you and moxxie who shyed away behind crimson.

"You never told me your daughter is a hybrid. Quite unique, she may even bring new species into imp kind."

He spoke, placing his hands on his knees as he inspected you. You reminded him of a moth, just with human features.

The only reason he knew you were a human/moth hybrid was your eyes. They were big and glossy, the surface was a deep purple speckled with white.

You wore a suit similar to crimson's while his son wore a gray sweater with a tiny red bowtie, he could tell he was the runt of the bunch.

He wouldn't amount to much. But he'd never say that to crimson, not unless he had a death wish.

"Yes, my daughter is quite unique but that's what makes her, her. Anyways- where is your other son?"

Crimson spoke, gently petting your head as Chaz shifted forward eyes sparkling as the both of you spoke about your hobbies.

"You mean little striker? He's at the hospital with his mama for the week."

Crimson nodded, nudging you and moxxie back in as Milo nudged Chaz into the mansion..

"Now, let's talk bussines. You came here for a reason right? Well, what might that reason be?"

Milo nodded d, taking a seat holding a glass of wine.

"Well, I was thinking. Since my wife came into a lot of money, and she is giving most of it to striker when she passes which will be soon since she is severely sick  how bout' my son marries your daughter?"

Crimson hummed, sipping his wine as he listened to the fire crackle.

"And why would I allow that?"

Milo took a breath, he was treading on thin ice.

"Well, I mean. You could use the money- not that I'm implying anything bad! It's just, don't you want your wife and kids to grow up in a warm cozy house? With no worries of having to be in debt?"

Milo waited with baited breath as crimson stopped swirling his drink, the air becoming thicker with each shallow breath he made.

"... Fine. But your son better not be a moron! He better be able to kill without a single thought. He better be able to take good care of my sweet lil' cupcake!"

Crimson warned, watching as Milo took a breath, shoulders no longer tense.

"So, when should we introduce them?"

Asked Milo, taking a gulp of his wine.

Crimson hummed.

"Well, we're all going to the harvest moon festival, we'll introduce them there."

Crimson spoke, resuming drinking his wine.

Word count 555

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