- [ taking off ] -

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as i was boarding the plane with my sister, mother and father, i saw a familiar red jacket. it was eric fucking cartman. he was still as fat as he was in elementary school. i ran over and said

"hey, fatass!"

he turned around and stared at me not recognizing who i was.

"craig tucker?" eric askes slightly tilting his head to his right.

"you guessed it." i said back

"i havent seen you since 8th grade" he says

"yea, its been quite a while. hasnt it?" i say as i start walking with him back over to my seat, surprisingly our seats were right next to eachother.

"yea, it has been awhile." he said grabbing cheesy poofs out of his dark grey duffel bag.

"its kind of funny how we both moved to California." i said slightly giggling

"it is, huh"

"so how is everyone? if your still in touch with them of course." i asked

"oh theyre fine. kyles still an annoying jew, and stan, well. hes just stan." he giggled. i turned around to check on my sister. she was sitting with my mom staring out the window. the plane started to shake as it was starting to take off, eric said that he had hated planes when he was younger. honestly, i could agree. i still hate them.

"you never mentioned kenny, hows that dude?" i asked him

"oh, well i havent spoken to him in quite awhile actually. the last time we talked he said he was doing fine. his parents are still alcoholics so he has to deal with them 24/7." he said turning to me

"holy shit, that dude has a rough life." i said concerned.

"yea." he said ending our conversation. i got bored so i plugged in my headphones and started listening to music. soon enough i fell asleep the whole plane ride.

TIME SKIP ;   after they arrived.

"hey wake up!" eric said flicking my face with his chubby fingers.

"im awake, im awake!!" i said pushing him back.

"were here, back in south park." he said with a slight grin.

i grabbed all my stuff and went to look for my family. they were waiting for me at the plane exit. i was so excited to see my friends. its been 3 whole months. ive been stuck in california because my sister wanted to see her old friends, but were finally back in good old south park.

"hey eric, nice to see you again!" my mother said with a huge smile across her face.

"nice to see you too Mrs. Tucker!" eric said putting on a fake smile. i fucking hated eric cartman. he used to always push my friends and i around in middle school. he has always been a dick, and he still is. hes not as rude as he used to be but he still is annoying. maybe his mom sent him to a christian camp or something.
we got to my house and i ran up to my room and body slammed onto my bed. eric had went with his mom to his house. he said he was going to see stan and kyle though. whatever, why am i thinking about that douche bag.
i grabbed my phone and called the groupchat, with tolkien, clyde, tweek and jimmy.
only tolkien answered.

"hey craig!!" tolkien said grinning

"hey!!" i said with a huge grin back

"hi!" clyde yelled from the backround

"oh so thats why clyde didnt answer, hes with you" i said as i smirked

"shut up!" tolkien yelled back.

"can we hangout right now?" i said, changing the subject.

"yea sure, ill call jimmy and see if he can hangout" he said

"alright, ill try and call tweek" i said hanging up the phone. but then as i was going to call tweek, i got a text from an unknown number

U: unknown
C: craig

U: hello

C: hey, who is this?

U: kenny.
i opened the text and thought of the name kenny, kenny mcornmick.

C: oh hey, howd you get my number?"

K: kyle

C: oh! is eric there?

K: yea hes here, why do you ask?

C: can i talk to him

K: yea, sure..
kenny handed the phone over to eric, i called and cartman picked up.

"hey loser" he said

"hello, i just wanted to ask. HOW DID KYLE GET MY NUMBER." i yelled at him. everyone in the room could here me, i was on speaker phone.

"oh. i gave it to him" he said chuckling.

"dont give out my number eric." i said in my monotone voice

"fine." he agreed. i hung up the phone.
eric handed the phone back to kenny
and kenny texted back

K: so why did you wanna talk to eric?

C: you heard me, dont act dumb.

K: your right. i did.

K: can i come over later?

C: i mean if you wanna hangout with, Tolkien, Clyde, Tweek and Jimmy.

K: yea sure i do. Ill be over at 730

C: sounds good. i stopped texting and so did he. i went back to call tweek, he picked up and i asked if he wanted to hangout, he said tolkien already asked but he still said sure. i hung up and went to go get a snack. i saw tricia down stairs on the counter trying to reach the cookies. of course, she couldnt shes only 12, so i went over to help her as im taller than her. shes about 4'11. after all im 6 foot. i grabbed her a cookie and handed it to her.

"thanks" she said flipping me the bird. i just walked over to the cabinet flipping her off back. i grabbed some pringles and headed back up to my room, i didnt realize it was already 6:30. time flew by fast. i got up to put on my hat and hoodie while i waited for my friends to get here. 15 minutes later, kenny was the first to be here. he was earlier than he said he would be, but i really didnt care. not so long after tolkien arrived with clyde and jimmy. we all sat down waiting for tweek. he was late as he always was. we ended up waiting till 7:30 for him to get here. soon when he got here we all started to play games and chat.


hey!! im really sorry if this wasnt the best, i genuinely really tried on this and i hope you enjoyed. im already working on chapter two! please have patience with me as i work on it. :)

word count, 1110

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