season 2

43 0 0

harper: f-


*they run bumbing into young sam*

harper: the fuck..

griffin: There was too harpers- 

y/n: is prob our  great grandma

harper: how-

y/n: your really asking that now?

harper: right me and y/n need to get home befor our mom thinks we've been running off again

y/n: well for me she allows me being the campbells friend u and topher not right now atleast 

savannah: wait why?

y/n: omg they didnt tell you *y/n chuckles*

harper: i swear to god-

y/n: they snuck off to the dance to save you and there cover story was they almost kiss

harper: y/n!

y/n: what  she asked i gave answers

griffin: anyways we will get home cya savannah

savannah: see you "love birds" and cya y/n

harper: oh my god-

griffin: why did u tell her y/n?

y/n: because i can anyways

*few days later harper and daisy switch lifes*

daisy: i dont get this and i dont even know ur names..

griffin: griffin griffin campbell

y/n: y/n y/n dunn and im one of ur great grand kids

daisy: what...

y/n: yep also topher is the one who doesnt knock so always knock

daisy: ok... could u y/n help me with their orders?

y/n: yeah sure

*Daisy nearly faints with the noise: 

jess: harper  y/n is everything ok?

y/n: you caught them theres a........

griffin: um a....

y/n: theater class there in 

griffin: and theres a school dance coming up

y/n: yeah!

griffin: me and harper were just learning how to dance for the school dance and theater class and um theres this history quiz

y/n: and we all were studying

griffin: and we were wondering if y/n and harper could go to my house and study

jess: you know griffin last time i checked flashcards worked everywhere

y/n:well he needs to get the flashcards also tophers over there

*2 weeks later when harper gets home and they had a little party*

topher: you coming harper?

harper: yeah ill catch up with u guys

y/n: i already feel like there gonna k- 

topher: JUST GO Y/N OMG-

griffin and harper: i-

harper: u go first

griffin: if it wasnt obivous i missed you while you were gone..

harper: i missed you too...

*they nearly kiss then they went OUT of there*

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