Chapter 3: Consequences

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"That was too damn risky Dom." Fred stood in the kennel as Dom stretched standing up on the cot.He pushed his tail high in the air and arched his back and yawned. He shook his whole body as his fur began to disappear. His bones cracked and snapped. He growled out in pain as his paws stretched into fingers, his feet, his tail shrunk into his rear end. "You can't just bring home any stray you come across, especially if they have a possessive owner like that, you could have been killed."

"Oh, but she's..." his jaw snapped as his muzzle contorted, shrinking into his skull, his ears lowered to the side of his face. "She's not just another stray." he finished as he finished shifting. Fred walked up and yanked the bandage off his right shoulder.

"Hope you plan on putting on this little play everyday because she's going to expect to see DOM every day." Fred chastised him more.

"You should have heard her cry out, Fred, it was unlike anything I'd ever heard." Fred tossed him his pants. He snatchged the pants out of the air and sat on the cot pulling them on. "The tune, the melody, I can hear it in her heart beat." Kriss sat on the cot, a shiver went through his spine as he recalled the feel of her fingers in his fur. Fred tossed him his shirt next. Then his boots to his feet. "She's not just any stray Fred, it's her, she's the one I have been looking for."

"She's just a tiny frail teenager Kriss, no older than Sara." Fred couldn't understand what Kriss wanted with this girl. "And worse, she's broken."

"Aren't we all?" Kriss looked up at him as he stood and tucked his shirt into his belt. "If you saw what that man did to her." He growled just thinking about it. He had to bide his time, he had to wait, even though he wanted to shift into his human form and bust down the door, but he had to abide by human laws as he was way off the reservation.

"And what if he comes looking for his property Kriss? What if she chooses to go back, you know how dump teenage girls can be when they think it's love." Fred shook his head and walked out of the kennel.

"Same time tomorrow?" Kriss called after him.

"Fine alpha, I'll be here." Fred left the clinic. Kriss smirked, he hadn't ever been so proud of himself. Yeah he was known for going out hunting and coming home with injured animals, but this time the injured animal would be his mate. He was so pleased with himself that he was more than happy to play the injured wolf for a while, until she is strong enough to see who he really is, as well as the rest of his pack.

Jocelyn sat in the corner of the sectional with her right leg propped up on pillows along the long section of the couch. Sara pulled a card from the top of the deck.

"Do you have an ... 8?" Jocelyn asked. Sara threw her head up and laughed then threw down the cards she had just drawn.

"Dang how did you know?" the girls both laughed. "I am so happy to have someone my age to hang out with." Sara reached for the two soda's sitting on the table, she handed the cream soda to Jocelyn and took a sip from her own cream soda. They heard the front door open and looked over the back of the couch to see Kriss coming in with KFC bags.

"Sara, I figured you would still be here, I hope you two are hungry." He took the two bags into the kitchen and started pulling out three plates.

"Yeah me and my new bestie have been together ALL day." Sara beamed. Joscelyn wasn't used to having a bestie. The last one she had was in high school and, thanks to Robert, she wasn't allowed to see her anymore. Now she had no idea how to contact her.

"How is my clan treating you, Joci?" His voice was soft when he spoke to her. It was kind of weird hearing someone call her Joci like that.

"I don't know, it's kind of weird I guess, I don't know how to explain it." Jocelyn stammered

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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