Chapter 1

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3rd Person POV

It was a beautiful Monday morning, Hinata had woken up fairly early, around 6am, ready for school. For waking up so early, boy did this ball of sunshine have so much energy.

As for Tsukishima, he was still asleep. School for Karasuno doesnt start till 8:30 and today the volleyball team doesn't have practice so he figured, why dont he just sleep in. He doesn't live to far from the school either its only a 10 minute walk.

Tsukishima POV

Ugh, i know i can be a bit of a nerd sometimes and im fairly smart but do i need to wake up and go to school. I mean it'll just be the same old shit, but luckly there's no practice so i dont need to deal with Thing 1 and Thing 2. (Kageyama and Hinata)

I sigh and slowly get up looking at the time '8 o' clock' I yawn and stretch a bit before getting up and going to the bathroom.

"Good morning Kei." Akiteru says from his bedroom door "morning" i say just wanting to get my day started.

I get into the bathroom and start the shower. taking my time to get in, i really didnt wanna get ready id rather stay home. To be honest lately i just havent been feeling alright, and i have no idea why. I've been colder and "saltier" lately to almost everyone with the exception of Yamaguchi but why tho.

Time skip after his shower and dressed

I don't really take the time to dry my hair properly leaving it a bit damp, which was fine with me i didnt care enough really. I checkes the time and it was 8:17. "i should probobly start heading to school" i say to myself.

I walk out the front door and i see thing 1.. Ughh this morning could be better

Hinata POV

I waited for Tsukishima outside his house, only cause Yamaguchi said he couldnt go and asked if i could walk with him. Which ofc i agreed i love walking with my friends! I looked towarss the door and i see Tsukishima walking out the front door

"Tsukki!!" I say waving my hand towards him. "How many times do i have to tell you, don't call me that!" He says already sounding annoyed. "C'mon tsukishima dont be like that so early in the morning!"

"Whatever, anyways what are u doing here shrimpy?" He says taking his headphones off. "Oh well Yamaguchi asked me to come walk with you since he wasnt gonna be coming today."

"Oh well, I guess today is an exception, but only today. Just don't be annoying" He says putting his headphones in keeping one ear uncovered. After that we just started walking and i stayed mostly quiet.

"You know you really didnt have to come walk with me just because Yamaguchi said to. i would've been fine walking alone" Tsukishima said breaking the silence "i was only looking out for a friend because another friend couldnt" I say in a excited tone "c'mon man why u being a jerk so early in the morning?"

"Why you so excited in the morning? You're a litteral ray of sunshine." Tsukishima says almost sarcastically

(here comes the most uncanon oc ever)

"Oh c'mon tsuki-poo dont be like that to my favorite middle blocker" We both look and see Minnie standing there in the school enterence "Minnie-San!" I say running up giving her a hug "Hi Shoyo, and Kei." Tsukishima rolls his eyes "Just because you're older doesnt mean u can say my name"

"Oh cmon Tsukki, Don't be like that to ur superior." Minyoung says almost laughing "and dont call me tsukki wtf" Tsukishima says getting annoyed why im laughing at the situation "So shoyo why u walking with this salty boy" Minnie says while glaring that Tsukishima "Yamaguchi asked me to walk with him cause he couldnt come today"

"Ah i see, well have either of you heard from Kageyama, King owes me some money from a bet we had" Tsukishima laughs at what she calls him "oh nice one haha"

Minnie POV

sigh as much as i respect Kageyama, He can resort back to his old "King of the Court" ways and he respects me enough to understand what i mean, when i call him king. He respects me because i tought him a lesson about respecting his teammates and not being auch a dictator.

Lucky enough, besides him being a bit of a dumbass, he learned and understood what i meant. I know, surprising right.

"Yeah thanks, he resorts to his old wasys too much sometimes. It's only appropriate." I said with a light chuckle. "If anything he's in the gym maybe" Hinata said which he might might be right. "Ill check the gym, so ill see yall later. I think if Daichi told me corectly there is after school practice so, ill see yall there" I say walking off

God those two are- idek
Tsukishima POV

I look over at Hinata who is distractes by waving at Minyoung, I try to take this opprotunity to walk off and go some where else but shirmpy caught me. "Hey tsukki where are u going?" Fuck "Im just gonna start going to class, you should too" i say clearly just tryna get away from the human tangerine

"Oh ok, see you later Tsukki!" when will this dumbass learn not to call me Tsukki "I said don't call me that"

Author's notes
Ok welp this chapter is kinda short but i debuted minyoung for the first time. i feel like she's the reason this work with flop but its a testing phase. i hope you enjoyed this story.

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