Nothing Changed

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ACEEEEE!!!!! Luffy woke up. He just had a terrible nightmare about Ace. Luffy was all alone on that island training, dreaming of the day he will meet up with his crew. All he could do was cry as he had no one by his side. He frequently dreamed about his brother's death. It felt like hell to him, He kept crying while saying "I'm weak" repeatedly. He suddenly thought of his crew and a certain orange-haired girl. He didn't know why, whenever he would think about his crew, he would doze off and think about the orange-haired girl. But he didn't complain about it, Rather than complaining he liked thinking about her.

"Nami's POV"
I was reading a book as usual, When suddenly Haredas-san broke the door open. I punched him on the head. He deserved it for not knocking on the door. After I punched him, he started whining about how it hurt. "He kind of looks like Luffy when whining." I was shocked about my thought of Luffy, but I just ignored it. He started talking about some research and how he had to go to a certain island. "So what does this have to do with me?" I asked. "You're coming with me" he said. When he said that I was kind of excited but as I started thinking of it I asked. "Why? How does it benefit me?", a laugh came out of his mouth which kind of annoyed me. He said "You could gain some experience from this research Nami-san" He wasn't wrong; it's not that I'm stupid; I just wanted to know the reason. I said "Okay". I started getting ready packing my bag with all kind of clothes, Changing my clothes and hair style. When I was done I already was in the boat waiting for Haredas-san, "Hm he's late" I thought, Next thing I see is Haredas-san running. He rushed to the boat and set sail. You

"Luffy's POV"

I'm bored.. I'm hungry.. I want MEATTTT. I'll go fishing. I do that every day, except when Hancock brings me a huge amount of food once a month. Anyways, I started walking my way out of the forest. I finally reached the shore, and that's when I saw someone familiar. An orange-haired girl appeared in front of my eyes. She grew her hair out and got a little taller, but other than that, She still looks the same; nothing changed.

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