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I was actually working at the bar I worked at back in Sioux Falls, hearing the phone ring, walking toward the phone hanging on the wall, answering. "TJz."

"Hey, Ness. It's Sam."

"Sam, it's good to hear from you. You boys are okay without me to save your asses, aren't you?"

Sam chuckled, knowing I wasn't being serious. "Yeah, yeah, everything's fine. Got a question."

"Yeah, shoot."

"You ever run across a guy named Gordon Walker?"

"Yeah, I know Gordon."


"He's a real good hunter. Why you asking, Sammy?"

"We ran into him on a job. We're kind of working with him."

"Don't do that, Sam."

"I—I thought you said he was a good hunter."

"Yeah, and Hannibal Lecter's a good psychiatrist. Look, he is dangerous to everyone and everything around him. If he's working on a job, let him handle it and move on."


"No, Sam, you just listen to what I'm telling you, okay?"

"Right. Okay."

"You guys need help in getting out of town and not letting the door hit you on the way out?"


"Then why are you still talking to me?"

I hung up, sighing, shaking my head, turning to get back to work.

What those boys would do with me or my dad?

I had no clue.

And I probably didn't want to.

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