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~Full Moon (Creepy AF)~

"They called you for a prowler?" Athena asked, as Hen, Chim and Kat got out the ambulance

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"They called you for a prowler?" Athena asked, as Hen, Chim and Kat got out the ambulance.

"Homeowner has a heart condition" Hen replied.

"Well, you three traveling a little light"

"Yeah, a full moon" Chim replied, Kat rolled her eyes. "Only way to survive is divide and conquer"

"Hmm, I believe it's your enemy you're supposed to divide, not yourself" Athena told him. "All right, I'm a check around back"


"Is that what that means?" Chim asked, Kat shrugged.


"So, basically, it's a twist on 'the call came from inside the house' only it was reflection and there was no call, so it's nothing like that at all. I don't know, a full moon...maybe it was a spirit" Chimney suggested, Kat gave him unamused look.

"Spirits don't leave muddy footprints" Kat scoffed.

"You don't know that. What if it was raining in purga-" Chimney started.

"Chimney, stop talking" Athena told him.

"Copy that" they walked over to the guy laying on the floor. Suddenly there was a scream catching the group's attention. "Go, we've got this" Chimney told Kat and Athena.

"Get off him! Stop!" A woman yelled, they ran over to where the yelling was coming from and saw a guy...eating someone?

"Hey! Hey, hey, hey. Slowly turn around and show me your hands!" Athena yelled.

"What the fuck..." Kat muttered.

"What the hell is this kid on?"

"Probably everything" Kat suggested.

"Step away from the man. Are you hearing me?!" Athena yelled. "Turn around slowly. Did you see a weapon? I don't see anything"

"I'm not sure, I don't think so"

"I'm not gonna ask you again!" the guy jumped up and started to walk towards us, Athena pulled out her taser and tasered him but it did nothing.

"Shit" Athena shot him twice but it still did nothing until she shot him in the head.


"Hey, Kat you're usual?" Bailey asked, as Kat walked into the coffee shop.

"Yeah, please" Kat replied, walking over to counter.

"Aren't you gonna be late to work?" A voice behind her asked, Kat turned around to face Buck.

"Why are you at my coffee shop?" Kat asked him.

"You don't own the coffee shop" Buck said.

"Uh, who's this?" Bailey asked.

"Co-worker" "I'm her best friend"

"No, no, I hate him" Kat tried.

"She doesn't"

"Why are you even here? Huh?" She questioned, crossing her arms.

"I'm getting coffee for Abby" Buck said, Kat scoffed. "What? It's her favorite coffee place"


"Latte, 2 sugars" Bailey told her passing her the coffee.

"Thanks" and passed her $5.

"Basic" Buck muttered under his breath, Kat glared at him and started to walk away. "See you at work, Everdeen"

"I'm gonna throw you out the fire truck" She answered and walked out.

"I ship it" Bailey muttered.




Word Count:501

ᴄʟᴏsᴇʀ - Evan Buckleyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن