IX. School time

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The next day we were finally able to go to school again. Beomgyu was pretty much jumping through the house and I couldn't help but smile at the sight. After these last few weeks we realized how fun school can actually be. Sometimes it just was necessary to be surrounded by idiots. "Finally! We don't have to stay locked up anymore!", the boy screamed. "That also means less safety though.", I brought to mind. As a result he stopped jumping and turned around. "I'll just be your bodyguard. Then you'll be safe!" He smiled at me before holding me by my hand and pulling me to the car. Seonghwa was already at the car. "Wooyoung will go to school with you two since he looks young enough to be a student there. If anything happens, you can tell him.", Seonghwa informed us. I nodded before sitting down in a backseat. "See? We are safe. Don't worry.", Gyu suddenly assured me. I didn't really know what to answer so I just smiled.
The car ride wasn't too quiet. Gyu was constantly asking Wooyoung questions while music was playing in the background. "Can you sit next to me in class? You need to help me with math." Beomgyu pouted at him. "Please!" Wooyung grinned at the request. "Who said that I'm gonna do anything?", the latter said and chuckled. I looked out the window. Outside the sun was rising which was why everything was slightly drenched in red color. Some birds were already flying in the sky. It was kind of impressive how we can see all these colors. I didn't want to ever stop looking at it but unfortunately we reached school before it went away by itself.
"Let's go! We're finally back!", Beomgyu yelled while Wooyoung was following behind him. I honestly didn't understand how he got his and Wooyoung's stuff before I even put one foot out of the car. "Hyung! What's taking you so long?", the younger one asked. "I'm just getting my stuff. You can go in first." I was about to take out my bag but the latter was faster than me again. "Nope. Ain't happening. We're all going together." Beomgyu now was carrying three bags and Wooyoung and I just tried to not be left behind. "At least give us our bags, Gyu!", I called after him. Luckily it worked. It worked kinda. He only gave Wooyoung his one. "You still need to rest more.", Beomgyu decided himself. "If I need to, then you need to too.", I reminded him and tried to take my bag back but he was faster. "Nope! I don't. I didn't get hurt as much as you." I tried to grab it once again but that only made him pretty much run in the school. "You're never gonna get it!", he yelled before disappearing out of our sight. I didn't have the motivation and energy to follow him though so I just went in together with Wooyoung.

After a few hours we finally had lunch break but since we had our own food packed we luckily didn't need to sit in the cafeteria. It only took a few minutes to find a good spot in one of the empty rooms. Wooyoung and I sat down next to a window and Beomgyu constantly walked around while shoving food in his mouth. "Where do we have to go to next?", Wooyoung asked before taking a bite out of his sandwich. "Necft if art claf.", Gyu answered with a full mouth. He didn't seem to ever be growing up.
After a few minutes we were done eating. We packed our stuff and went to our next class. Luckily the break still took about ten minutes so we could just sit down and talk a little before the lesson started. It was mostly Beomgyu who talked but it was nice to see him having fun talking about his favorite painting he made before. "Bro, I love how it turned out. I'm not even good at arts but don't be surprised if I'll be the best painter in a few years.", Beomgyu joked. "Everyone, get to your seats. The bell is about to ring and I want to start on point.", our teacher entered the room. Nobody really liked this teacher. He always is strict and wants to start as soon as the bell rings. But as soon as the bell is supposed to end the lesson he lets us wait for another few minutes. We just ignored the teacher and continued talking since we were sitting already anyway. "By the way, did you know that we'll probably have a school trip soon?", Gyu asked. I shook my head. "Well Shota told me about it. No clue if it's true though.", he added. I honestly didn't want to go there. After all that happened already was it really the last thing I wanted to do. The bell rang. "Quiet!", the teacher yelled at the class. Everyone quieted down.

After school Seonghwa picked us up. I sat in the middle, on my left was Beomgyu and on the other side was Wooyoung. All of us were tired. Well, except for Gyu. At least he didn't seem like it. On the ride he told everything that happened to the eldest. I couldn't really listen though. It was hard to keep my eyes open. They slowly closed over and over just to be pulled open again. The only thing I could focus on was not falling over to the side and not falling asleep. After some time I gave up on sitting up straight though and just let myself fall. All my energy was used up at that point so I fell asleep. I couldn't remember anything of the ride in the end.

I slowly came back to my senses after some time. I cuddled into the warmth that surrounded me. It was comfortable to the point that I only wanted to fall asleep again. "Is it comfortable?" I nodded tiredly. "That's nice." Someone chuckled. At that point I realized what was happening. I jumped up, my cheeks turning red. And as a result I fell from the bed. "Are you alright.", Beomgyu asked and stood up immediately. He looked at me with worry in his eyes and started checking if I got any new bruises. "I'm fine.", I mumbled. A relieved sigh escaped his mouth. "That's good." He helped me up and sat back down on the bed afterwards. I did the same. "Oh! I almost forgot! Is it okay that Yeonjun, Taehyun and Kai are coming over after school?", the boy asked me. I nodded in response. "Great! I'll tell them right away!" He seemed really excited. A bad feeling spread in my chest. I didn't understand why I felt like that. "Let's go eat dinner. Felix should be done by now.", Gyu said before pulling me out of the room.
After dinner we both went to our own rooms. I took one of my books and lied down my bed. A few pages in I began feeling tired again so I finished the page before putting the book to the side. I closed my eyes. Thoughts entered my head slowly. What would I do tomorrow? What would I do when they're staying over? What even was that feeling earlier? What even triggered it? After all that thinking I finally drifted off to sleep.

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