Nica Reuniting With a S/O She was Dating Before the Events of Curse/Cult

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(Gender ambiguous).

Warnings: some blood.


- It's been four years since you were last in Hackensack. You used to drive through it to visit your long distance girlfriend, Nica.

- Ex-girlfriend, you suppose. Though, the two of your never broke up.

- ...She was arrested for killing five people. She claimed that it wasn't her, it was... "Chucky". A Good Guy doll.

- You used to have one of those. It was a hand-me-down from a cousin you never speak to. You dug it out and threw it away after you heard the news. To put it lightly, having it around put a bad taste in your mouth.

- It's difficult to put belief into the whole killer doll claim, of course. It sounds completely absurd.

- (Although admittedly, part of you does want to believe Nica).

- "Here's your room key."

- You really need to stop thinking about it so much. Especially after all the time that's passed. But this city makes you think of her, even if she didn't live in it, even if you've never spent time with her here.

- You remember how excited you'd be to see her.

- "Thanks."

- You remember how when you would occasionally stop at hotels—much like the one you're currently standing in, you'd talk to her on the phone before going to sleep.

- One night. You're only staying for one night. You're too tired to keep driving. Tomorrow, you'll finally reach your new apartment.

- Picking up your suitcase, you begin making your way to the room.

- A door slowly opens somewhere behind you.

- You don't plan on paying it any mind.

- "Wait!"

- That is, until you hear that voice behind you.

- Are you simply imagining things? Is it because you were just thinking about her?

- "Please, I-I need help."

- In utter disbelief, you turn around.

- "...Nica?"

- There she is, Nica Pierce, dragging herself out of a room a bit further down the hall.

- She's clad in a long black coat that, if you weren't so busy standing there with your jaw hanging open, you might've thought didn't look like something she would ever pick out for herself.

- There's blood on her face. You can't tell if it's hers or not.

- When she realizes that it's you, she looks cautiously optimistic and relieved.

- You spare a glance over your shoulder before hesitantly approaching. "What are you doing here? Is-is that your blood?"

- "...No." At the expression on your face, she quickly continues, clutching onto the leg of your pants. "I didn't do anything, though! Chucky did it! I'm not a killer."

- "...Nica..."

- "You believe me, right?" Her voice shakes. "I didn't do it. I would never."

- If the Chucky claim is as wild as it seems, if Nica did murder her family and then some, what's to say that she won't do the same to you?

- But if she is innocent, if she does need help, how can possibly you just leave her here?

- You look into her wide blue eyes. They're shining. There's desperation there. Fear.

- You swallow, then repeat your other question. "How did you get here?"

- "Chucky's wife drove us after she helped him sneak into Harrogate. She's here. Not now, she just left, but she's staying here. She has short blonde hair and-and—"

- "Does she look like Jennifer Tilly?" you ask, thinking of a woman you had passed on the way in.

- "Yes! Yes, exactly like Jennifer Tilly. If you see her, you need to stay away, okay? She's dangerous. I have to get away before she comes back."

- If this ends poorly... Well, you can't say you didn't know what you were potentially signing up for.

- "Okay. You can come into my room," you tell Nica. Her shoulders drop in relief. "Where's your chair?"

- "I don't have one at the moment."

- "I've got you, then. You're okay with me picking you up, right?"

- Nica nods. You see a single tear slip out and travel down her cheek as you scoop her into your arms.

- "Everything's going to be okay now. We're going to figure things out."

- You still have a lot of questions, but you're going to save them for now. Best not to linger in the corridor any longer than you already have.


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