Tiffany Reacting to Her S/O Coming Out as Aspec

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(Gender ambiguous). 

Warnings: Mention of murder/violence, brief mention of sex.


- You have to explain what aspec is because Tiffany's never heard the term before.

- She asks lots of questions to make sure she understands properly.

- And it's while you're explaining that Tiff realizes she's somewhere in this spectrum you're describing. It's just sort of a "Huh." moment for her.

- Once you're finished, she's totally supportive.

- "Of course I support you, Sweetface!"

- Tiff is always your biggest supporter.

- She casually brings up the fact that she's aspec too later in the form of an offhand comment.

- If you're into pride merch, Tiff will definitely surprise you with some.

- If you have an ace ring, I think that she would want to get a matching one.

- "It'd be cute!"

- If you're not into sex at all, that's okay. Tiffany will be fine without it. Killing is more enjoyable and exciting to her, anyway.

- If someone disrespects your identity, she'll "take care of them" for you.

- They can't keep spouting acephobic/arophobic garbage if she cuts their tongue out.

- Or if they're just straight-up dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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