Chapter 1- Run!

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Run y/n Run, scared and exhausted you keep telling yourself to run, you can't stop now! Scared that they might have followed you, even though you have been running for miles straight and for God knows how long. You can still hear their voices in your head, the shouting after they discovered you got away. Those men were nothing but evil and you felt relieved to be away from them, every step you take now means further away from them. You blame yourself over and over for the situation you are in, if only you did what your father had asked of you and you wouldn't be running for your life. Unhappy maybe but alive...

You never thought of your father as a cruel man, that was until you refused to marry the man he had selected for you. The thought of you having to marry a man you never even met before send shivers down your spine and you told your father that you would not marry this man he chose for you. Your father was furious, how dare you disobey your father he said and called you every name in the book even threatening you by saying 'you are going to regret this'. And knowing what you know now you deeply regret the choice you made, as a few days went by with your father not speaking or looking at you. It was like you didn't exist to him anymore, until a man showed up, he was small but you could tell something was off about him, he made you feel uneasy. His clothes were clean and looked fancy but there was something about the way he looked at you with his dark eyes.  Your father welcomed him and they talked softly, you were unable to hear what they were saying to each other, but then your father looked and pointed at you. Before you could say a word you were grabbed by a man that came out of no where and you got dragged out of your house. You were to stunned to speak but tried with all your might to get away from the man his tight grip, fighting, kicking but it was pointless, he was to strong. You were shoved in the back of something that supposed to look like a carriage. The last thing you saw when you looked back  was 1 of the men handing your father money. You begged your father not to do this to you, 'father please, don't let them take me. Father please!' but your pleading was ignored, your father wouldn't look at you. The man opened the heavy door to the carriage while holding you in his grip with the other arm. When the door opened you became silent, you were shocked by what you saw, 2 women sitting on the carriage floor none of them daring to look up at you. The man lifted you up and threw you in the carriage, his disgusting evil smirk was the last thing you saw before the heavy door closed and it became dark. You tried to kick the door, the sides, but it wouldn't budge. 'Don't you think we already tried that' 1 of the women whispered, i'm sorry but that wont help you she said. You started to panic after hearing those words, your breathing became heavy, looking around frantically in hopes to catch a glimpse of who were there with you in the small room you were in. Who are you you said, Who are they? Where the fuck am i and where am i going, what the hell is going on? Please tell me what is happening! You started to cry uncontrollably, so loud that your crying became screams. You dropped to your knees on the cold floor below you, confused and scared you whimpered 'please someone tell me what is going on'. You felt a hand on your forearm followed by the words 'we will tell you everything but please for now be quiet, its going to be so much worse if you keep making noise it will really make them angry'. They? You mean those men that just took me from my home? Yes, 1 of the other  women answered, just do what they say. The carriage started moving, you couldn't see a thing still but the movement startled you, you decided to ask if any of the women knew where you were going and what was going to happen to you. 'Keep your voice down'1 of them said. We don't know where we are going, they keep us in the dark so we don't have a sense of time or our surroundings. Who are they and what do they want from us, you whispered this time. I'm not sure if this is a good moment to tell you she said, but i can tell you that its going to be tough. If you are lucky they will be able to sell you quickly so you don't have to travel around in this dark box. SELL ME? you yelled! And with that the carriage stopped moving abruptly, the heavy door opened and you got blinded by the sunlight coming in as your eyes were adjusted to the darkness you were in. You saw the man that had grabbed you from your home looking at you with an evil look in his eyes he was a big man at least twice your size, he looked to be somewhere in his 40's, short dark hair and a small beard. Why do i feel like you are going to be trouble he said, are you going to be trouble? N...No sir you whispered. Good, now you bitches better shut up before i will feed 1 of you to the wild dogs. And with that he slammed the door back shut. I told you to keep your voice down 1 of the girls said. I'm sorry but since i just got snatched from my own damn house i think i have a right to know what the hell is going on and where i'm going you hissed. You're right the women next to you said, i understand its much for you to take in and trust me its not going to be easier to process what happend when you know who these men are. Let's start over, what's your name? My name is Y/N you said, i think my father was the 1 who made me go with these people, he didn't even look at me when that giant grabbed me, the last thing i saw was the smaller man giving my father money, the thought of this is bringing tears to your eyes, you truly never thought your father could be so cruel.The women spoke again and said, my name is Kim Sun-Hi, my brother was probably the 1 who did this to me, ever since our parents were gone he started acting strange and i found out he had a lot of debts so he sold me to these men to pay his debts. I lost track on how long i have been with them she added. What happend with you and your father if you don't mind me asking? You let out a long sigh, and told her how you refused to marry the man he chose for you and how this upset him. You could hear the other women sigh from the other side of the carriage, she spoke with a soft tone in her voice saying, my name is Lee Ji-Yeong my story is not much different then yours Y/N, my parents also wanted me to marry they chose a rich man but he was everything i hated so i tried to run away, i was caught and locked up in my room until these men came for me. My parents called me useless and i had brought shame to the family so they sold me to become someone else their problem. I'm sorry you said, this is just a very very bad dream, so what happens next? We are just stuck here until they found someone that wants to buy us? The thought of that made you feel sick to your stomach, women in these days were always looked down upon but this was just ridiculous. They travel from city to city Sun-Hi said, every now and then another girl will join us and maybe gets sold in the next city, we never know. They pretend to treat us very well before we enter a new city, we get a chance to wash up and do our hair so we look 'perfect for sale'. They display us like cattle on a market in hopes they can sell us to the first person that shows any interest. You are more confused then you already were, selling you to who? Selling you for with what purpose. I can imagine you have a lot of questions Sun-Hi said, we don't know what happens after a girl gets sold, these men don't bother to tell us and we never see those girls again. So she could be sold for anything, a maid is the most positive 1 i can think of she added... You didn't know what to say, i was all to much God knows how long these women have been here, or how long you will be here. It already feels like you have been there for days, you never noticed it before but the smell in the carriage was awful, since they kept you in there most of the time and wouldn't even let you out to go to the bathroom but instead they had a bucket that had to be emptied. These men truly didn't care about you or the other girls, they just wanted to make their money. 

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