Chapter 1: Deathberry+Vampire (Part. 1 of Pilot)

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[Ichigo Kurosaki: 16 Years Old]
[Hair Color: Orange]
[Eyes: Brown]
[Occupation: High School Student and... **Soul Reaper**]

"So... entering Yokai Academy, eh?" The bus driver with eerily glowing eyes said.

Ichigo turned slightly away from the seat window, pulled away from his gaze as the bus drove to its destination and gave the man half his attention. "Uh... yeah." He gave a half-hearted reply, nodding.

"Heh. I hope you said all your goodbyes... because as soon as we come out of this long, long tunnel..." drawing Ichigo's attention as he turned to look at the ominously glaring driver. "... you'll see the academy. And perhaps - never see anything again!"

Ichigo merely gave the man a blank stare as his left eyebrow began to twitch in annoyance. "Great... what the hell has Urahara gotten me caught up in now?" He thought.

[ 1 Week Earlier ]


It was late afternoon at the end of summer break, and the sun began to set. Ichigo stood in front of Urahara's shop, taking a deep breath before bringing up his hand and knocking. "Hey! Mr. Hat and Clogs! You wanted to see me?"

His greeting was met by Ururu who answered the door, she led him to Kisuke Urahara who had just received the last shipment of soul candy for the week. After the two greeted one another, Ururu went to let Tessai know that there was a guest and to make tea for the two of them.

"Well well! Glad you could make it, Ichigo." Urahara said in his off-putting, cheerful voice as he sat in front of the table, gesturing Ichigo to do the same. "Sorry for calling you at this hour, but I figured what with your school situation recently that you probably have a bit more free time on your hands than usual." Urahara bluntly pointed out, much to Ichigo's irritation.

"Yeah well... imagine my surprise when I found out that after I came back from the Soul Society that my school was destroyed! We were only gone a few days. I thought you said you'd take care of any Hollow attacks while we were gone?!" Ichigo ranted, clearly frustrated.

"I'm as surprised as you are. Naturally, I took care of any Hollows that happened to drop by but from what I've heard, what happened at your school was nothing short of a freak accident. Must've been one of those gas explosions, am I right?" Urahara replied, still on with that awkwardly cheerful tone of his like it was supposed to be funny. "I hope no one was hurt?"

"Tch... yeah, luckily. But that means all of us are now outta school. Luckily Chad, Orihime, Uryu, and the rest of my friends managed to find another school to go to before the new term... at least I think." Ichigo said with his usual scowl, glancing to the side of the room.

"Heh... I'm guessing by the tone of your voice, you haven't found a school yet for yourself, eh?" Urahara said, waving his fan while he spoke.

"...Yeah." Ichigo quietly replied. Though his grades were quite high, considered almost a top student even, unfortunately Ichigo was known for having a bad reputation. That made it difficult to apply to other schools. This was due in part because of his appearance and his seemingly standoffish attitude. That's not to say he was rude or difficult to be around, but it made others wary of approaching him.

"Hm... well, I think I have something that might interest you." Urahara spoke, proceeding to walk over and take a flier off the top of a filing cabinet in the room and handing it to Ichigo. "A flier for a certain school just happened to drop on my doorstep earlier today so I picked it up and figured something like this might be of use to you."

Taking hold of the flier, Ichigo read through it. "Huh... Yokai Private Academy? Kind of a shady name for a school..." Ichigo thought out loud. "Says here they just need an application review form... Huh, that'd make things easier for me."

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