Chapter 7: A Full Moon Awakening

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Night came and Moka was standing atop the school's building. She couldn't believe that Ichigo was a peeper... but if he wasn't, then why were all those girls chasing him? It had to be the truth. Moka sighed as she leaned against the railing, an inexplicable sadness washing over her.

"What's up? What 'cha doing up here?" A voice came from behind Moka. She turned around to face Gin, who was waving and smiling at her.

"A lovely night... and such a beautiful full moon, yes?" Gin remarked as he glanced up at the moon, a mysterious grin spreading across his face.

"Oh... Hey Gin..." Moka said, unsure of what to say. What was Gin doing here?

"I heard about Ichigo. The fool. I gotta say, the guy really didn't look like the type to me. I guess it's true about some people having second natures hidden inside of 'em, isn't it?" He pondered, feigning sincerity. Moka was completely unaware of Gin's intentions since she could only focus on Ichigo and his crime at the moment.

"But Gin... can it really be true that... Ichigo's the peeping tom? He can't..." Moka lamented. None of this seemed right to her.

"I totally get that you wanna trust him, but c'mon Moka. A whole bunch of girls caught the dude in the act!" Gin blurted out.

"But still..." She fumbled. Was Ichigo's second nature really that of a peeping tom? No, there had to be an explanation. He told her it was an accident. What could he have meant by that?

( "BL_75" - 5th Anniversary CD )

"Moka, look... you just need to forget about Ichigo." Putting his arm around Moka and smiling while Moka was getting a little uncomfortable. "Don't worry, I can help you do that..." Suddenly, he leaned forward with a kiss... only to be abruptly shoved off by Moka.

"But still... I wanna trust him. I don't know why, but I have to!" Moka replied.

Safe to say... Gin was none too pleased. "Moka, c'mon! Surely you don't think those girls mistook him or something? I mean, how many guys in school have bright orange hair? Aren't you just lying to yourself because of how you feel for him? Face facts, your pal's a pervert."

"Umm..." Moka was unsure of what to say. Gin was acting... strangely.

"Tonight... I'll comfort you." Gin softly whispered as he leaned into her again, this time being more... forceful.

"Aah! No, let go! Gin, what do you think you're doing?" Moka screamed as she tried wriggling out of Gin's embrace.

"What am I doing? Holding you gently in my arms." Gin reassured with a twisted smile, not letting Moka go.

"You were not! You were feeling me up!" Moka said, feeling violated.

"Well, it is a full moon, isn't it? And under the full moon, my power surges. And so do my... appetites." He said as he playfully pointed to the moon, puckered his lips, and tried to pull her in close. "So don't fight me. That will only make me mad... and I'll lose control."

"No! STOP!" In one supreme effort, Moka managed to break free and push Gin into a wall.

Her tears welled up in her eyes. "Ichigo... said he didn't mean to look... And I believe him!" She exclaimed. "But I don't believe you, Gin!"

A strange feeling suddenly overwhelmed Moka as she looked towards Gin's general direction. She heard some chuckling coming from the cloud of dust that was obscuring her vision.

"Heh... such a sweet, generous girl... It only makes me want you more." Part of Gin's face was revealed... and it barely resembled the friendly-looking expression Gin always wore. Instead, it was almost sadistic and taunting. His eyes gleamed with a predatory look.

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