Chapter 1

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The frustrated brunette let out a deep sigh, ripping her hazel eyes away from the couple in front of her Willow Grove looked down at her food a moment later and pushed her plate away abruptly. "I think I may have just lost my appetite." She muttered under her breath, looking over at her other friends for some support but instead saw them cuddling with their hands interlaced together.

Willow rolled her eyes as she stared at the ground because she just couldn't bear to see her happy friends. She absolutely knew she shouldn't have felt the way she did but she couldn't help it. The fact that she was the only single person in her group of friends made her feel almost embarrassed. What made it worse was the fact that the person she loved was with someone else - and not just any someone - Charlotte Esper. Why had Chase rejected her?

During the Summer, they shared a kiss and she thought it meant something to Chase because it meant the world to her. However, a day later Chase claimed that he had only kissed her just for the sake of kissing her at that exact moment. Whether he was 'in the moment' or not, Willow meant every bit of that kiss. But it didn't matter because he didn't feel that same way; she had to live with that very fact. And she hated it. There were so many instances when she wanted to scream every time he kissed Charlotte or leave the room every time they entered but she couldn't. Unfortunately, she was bound to them because they were all friends. Ever since Arthur began to date Amelia, Willow grew close to her quickly and found herself a best girlfriend to talk to. But everything she told Amelia would sooner or later be told to Chase because of Arthur . They were all connected to each other and that suffocated Willow because she could never truly tell Amelia everything. But that was just another thing Willow had to live with.

Or maybe she could stay away from them for once in her life without jeopardizing her friendship with them.

It was soon to be the winter holidays and everyone was just about ready to leave school to go home. Willow, on the other hand, decided to stay at collage for break for she desperately wanted a break from all of them. Besides, there wasn't really a home to go to.

But to her dismay, everyone else, including Charlotte, decided to stay at school as well. Right when Willow thought she could escape from them, they foiled her plan in an instant all due to one person's decision.

"Aren't you excited we're all staying here for the holidays?" Amelia asked her friend with a grin.

"It's great . . ." Willow responded bitterly. "Why did you lot decide to stay here for the holidays? I mean, I don't want you to break tradition of staying at your house all because of my decision to stay." The brightest girl in her school mentioned, trying to persuade her stubborn friend.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous Willow. You weren't going to come home with us this winter break so I refused to go and everybody followed suit." Amelia stated firmly with a wave of her hand as if closing the discussion. "For the past seven years, we always went to my house to spend the holidays but since you were going to stay here ... well, it wouldn't be the same without you. " Amelia explained and smiled. "But we'll have just as much fun here as we would have back at my house - maybe even more! Uhm, we can be roommates while everyone's gone." The redhead exclaimed with an excited grin. "We can gossip the night away," she winked with a sly grin.

Willow couldn't help but laugh. "Thank you for staying here just because of me." She told Amelia and Arthur . "But I'm pretty sure you guys and . . . Chase and Charlotte will be too busy spending time with each other." She told them with a disappointed smile. "But I'll be spending my holiday in the library so it wouldn't matter to me anyway." She quickly added.

"Oh, come on, Willow. You're going to avoid us because of them, am I right?" Amelia cocked her head over to the tiresome couple in front of her, surprising Willow with her dead on accuracy.

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