5 - Visits (Pt. 1)

550 15 2

- Will be translated.

Seungmin POV:

I ran to the hospital, checked in, and ran to Jeongin's room.


He looked at me, he looked upset. And he was connected to tons of machines.

With bruises and scars all over. And serious injuries. Had it really been that bad?

I pulled up a chair next to him and sat down.

"How ya' feeling?.."

"Like crap.."

"내가 더 일찍 알았더라면 좋았을 텐데!" ["I wish I would've known sooner!"]

"I'm sorry. I can't contact you without a phone. I'm not allowed to have it at the moment." Jeongin said, his voice raspy and weak.

"Please tell me you're gonna survive."

"Unclear, as far as I know of."

~ 👍🌙💋~

Hours passed, as it was almost time for me to leave.

"For say.."


Author's note:

Sorry!! This is also short. Pt. 2 will be out soon! Theres gonna be more in Pt. 2 I promise <3


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