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the rain drizzles on the tin roof, the crisp seattle air bogged down by the dampness.
i shiver, becoming one with the fibres of the knitted blanket on my lap. glancing at the analog clock on the mantle, i flinch. 5:46. shit. dinner should've been made an hour ago.
i get up, beginning to slice the carrots and spoon soup base into our only pot. the warm, salty smell is comforting, reminding me of my purest and earliest memories. the lock on the door clicks, and i jump a little. i'm still not used to clicking, harmless or otherwise. the door bursts open, revealing the compact, scratched figure that i call my wife.
"honey, i'm home!" ellie announces, shutting the door behind her. i roll my eyes, and mosey over to her, wrapping my arms around her and leaning in for a kiss.
"not to be a sap, but i miss you when you're gone." i say, gazing into her warm brown eyes.
"i miss you too. a lot." she replies, and begins to pour various herbs and spices into the soup that's simmering on the stove.
"no, i said i would make dinner. you don't have to-" i begin, before she clamps a hand over my mouth.
"shut up. i'm cheffing," she says sternly.
i don't bother arguing, because i'm cold.
i lay down on the couch, snuggling in with my favorite blanket, watching my wife do her thing.
she was never a good cook, but it's really hard to screw up a pot of soup.
i watch her small frame dance around the steam, humming to herself. her muscular, ink-covered arms are mesmerizing.
"how about some music?" she says, turning the antenna on our ancient radio.
my heart feels light and my soul is happy as etta james' "a sunday kind of love" plays throughout our small quarters.
"fitting," i say. i wonder if the radio does this on purpose.
ellie grabs my hand, twirling me around the kitchen. her arms meets my waist and her eyes meet mine, as she dips me low to the ground. etta james' soulful voice is combined with ellie's gentle humming.
"oh, shit. the soup." i laugh, turning off the gas stove. ellie rushes to the cabinets, getting out our signature bowls. red for her, blue for me.
she ladles the soup into them, passing me mine. "for you, my love," she says, and i roll my eyes once again. "what a gentleman," i remark, and she laughs. "yeah. my days of being a bad boy are over."

later, we're laying together in our small bed, when i begin to feel every feeling at once. but mostly love. "hey, ellie?" i say, propping myself up to face her. "yeah?" she says, her freckled face grinning at me.
"i love you." i say, and i'm not the affectionate type, so this is important.
"i love you too." she says, kissing my forehead.
"but...." she begins, and my heart drops.
"but what?" i exclaim.
"why are fish so smart?" she finishes.
i sigh, happily. "i don't know. why ARE fish so smart?"
"because they live in schools."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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