●Important Notice●

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Hello stranger! My name is Fizzy! you don't know me and I don't know you, but one thing we have in common is this: We're both gay for Jonatello. Yes you heard me Gay. Yknow like boys like boys? Yeah its that kinda gay.

So about me is that Im absolutely done bad for Jonatello. Literally when I see them both on screen, it makes me think of them as boyfriends. No seriously have you seen them argue? its adorable and it makes them look like two boyfriends that didn't agree with something.

Now for the warning. This is gonna have some sensative topics and if you can't handle those topics, than you can simply go back and choose a different Jonatello story with the same outcome with April liking Donnie and her manipulating/playing with his feelings and her not being around and all that shit. But this is sorta different. She comes back to visit Donnie and hes having to live the nightmare all over again. So i guess its similar to some other Jonatello stories?? In some way maybe. But Yeah youre gonna see that so suck it up bitch.

Anyways enjoy the story! and don't skip past this unless you want to suffer mentally than be my guest and go right ahead to this shitty story that im gonna be writing cause this is written by me, a 14 yr old. And no its not gonna be cringe, its gonna have correct spelling in it and its gonna make sense. So just suck it up and march along.

Now im considering making this either a 16+ story or an 18+ story so lemme know what you guys think please.

{♡QOTD: "Be Fab and if you can't be Fab than be a drag queen." Word Count: 300}

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