Chapter 6: Spring

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You trained the boys – against your will – with a few goals set in mind for them. They had to defeat you in order to move on to go against your father in training. There were 3 stages: Sword Training, Magic Quirk Training, and then the combination of both for the last stage. All 3 of the boys had to defeat you before they all moved on to the next stages and before they got to face your father, (F/n).

Simple right?


For them — The training was hell.

It has been 2 years since the training began.

Their physical training came first with Yawara and you and Prince Bakugo's knight, Knight Miriko. Knight Miriko was a trainer and supervisor over the training being done. Physical training was brutal, having to break the boys and put them together to make their abilities even stronger. Then, it was weapon magic infusing. This was to help them hold their magic quirk mana longer on their swords. Kirishima had to train to split it and hold it since he was a dual sword user. Prince Bakugo and Midoriya had the same sword style, both had swords that transfigured into a claymore. They had to train to be able to switch-split too but from the small to when they switch to their larger sword. This applied to Kirishima too on switching swords he used to infuse his quirk magic. It was more difficult than it sounds.

This skill was trained in both nations but this was the Mizu Clan's way . . . It was done during sleep as homework; which each of them was assigned a farm owl that watched over them for this and slapped them awake when they stopped during their sleep, standing training; just standing and practicing switch-split with swords, and then there is fight training against you . . . on the massive, crazy, and intense training course made by Ryuko. It was always random and with her own ground monsters along with you. It made the boys work on their footwork and prepare them for the future when they needed to use their weapons during wild situations.

Your father did not let this be easy for you either, he wanted this to benefit you too. He wanted you to have the knowledge and skill to master every weapon, so, he made you train using different types of weapons for each course against the 3 boys. He said and quote: "Show no mercy and have fun with your friends Dewdrop". All with a smile on his face. He also scolds Prince Bakugo for always showing up to the house without a shirt and wearing his notable red cape as a cover-up. Leading to a routine argument between the two in the mornings. Nothing ever came out of it though. A fun pointless argument.

With the All Might sword, he was given quirk magic. This late inheritance of quirk magic for Midoriya made training with his newly acquired quirk magic much harder than Kirishima and Prince Bakugo. To help with this, there was also meditation training. To let Midoriya be able to be one with his quirk magic and to train Prince Bakugo's patience and short temper. Kirishima utilized this meditation training to balance his dragon side and his human side.

Within the 1st year, sword training was hard but crazy. The 3 of them needed to balance themselves and stretch out their quirk magic's limits and increase its power but mostly to have Midoriya catch up with Kirishima and Prince Bakugo. Midoriya was able to catch up by the end of the first year and was the 2nd to defeat you in sword training after 11 months. Of course . . . Prince Bakugo was the 1st to defeat you in sword training. A neck and neck outcome, took him 10 months. Kirishima came in 3rd to defeat you a few weeks after Midoriya had.

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