chapter four~school sucks

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"Big school. 2,000 students, you might think, "Wow, so many strangers." But not if you think of them as possible future friends. Then it's, "Wow, so many friends." The principal, her name's Shirley. She's the best." darla said to billy as the walked into school. 

"This is our security scanner. Like in an airport. It's totally safe." darla said. "I know what it is" billy said. "does she always do this?" he asks francis. "Mmmhmm" she replied. "Silence makes me uncomfortable" darla let him know. "she almost never uncomfortable" eugene said.

as the got to the middle section of the hall darla told billy "have a good first day big brother" to which billy so rudely replied with "Look, you don't have to hug me all the time, we're not actually brother and sister, so..." 

"im sorry" seeing darla sad was the worst. "hey don't apologize, billy doesn't mean that. he's just new" francis said trying to reassure her. "I didn't mean to make her..." he stammered out. freddy gave him a 'don't worry about it' hand gesture while francis gave him a 'you are unbelievable' look. and to francis, he truly was. to make darla sad. unbelievable she thought.

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"flight or invisibility?" is the first thing billy heard when freddy and francis walked to his lunch table. "If you could have one superpower, flight or invisibility, what would you pick? I mean, everybody chooses flight. You know why?" 

"so they can fly away from this conversation?" both billy and francis said at the same time, which shocked the both of them. 

"No, no. 'Cause heroes fly. And who doesn't want people to think they're a hero, right?" as freddy said this billy got up to leave but he continued anyway "But invisibility, no way." and continued "That's pervy. Spying around on people who don't even know you're there. Sneaking around everywhere. It's a total villain power, right?" he practically yelled the last part, which made everyone look at him like he was crazy.

"freddy um we should go" francis said to her younger brother, not wanting to be the center of attention. once they caught up with billy, freddy started again "Then they did this study, and this is a real thing. They asked people the same question. You know, what power do you want? But this time, they made it so the answers were anonymous. And most people, since they knew that it was secret, said invisibility. And I think that's 'cause most people don't feel like heroes on the inside, deep down." he paused before saying "You're gonna run away." 

that made billy actually look at them. "I mean, you stole my Superman bullet." then francis started "Dude, I get it. we get it. You've been screwed over way too many times. You don't trust anyone." freddy finished for her "That's the thing about invisibility. You end up all by yourself" 

for a second, francis thought that they knocked some sense into him, until he scoffed and said " I didn't steal your dumb bullet". freddy and francis gave each other a look before walking away. 

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francis and billy walked out of school together because they had the same last period. the two of them were greeted by Mary, who waited for them at the front of the school. "hey how was it today?" she asked billy, but getting no response back she said "that good huh?" Jokingly. 

Mary was about to ask francis but was cut off by a truck hitting freddy. "oh my gosh, freddy are you ok?" francis asked her brother, worry clear in her tone "you okay?" Mary asked while checking to see if he was hurt. 

"what the fuck is wrong with you assholes?!"  francis demanded the breyer brothers as they got out the car and slammed freddy into their truck. "no way thats gonna buff out" burke said.  "you gonna pay for the freeman?" Brett said. "uh for the dent you made almost hitting me? yeah sure um, you guys take these?" freddy said, flipping them off. 

the two bullies didn't find it funny, as they just pushed freddy to the ground. "fuck off brett!" francis told him as he began to kick freddy. "Brett stop!" she heard Mary say. "don't touch my brother" darla said. "what do you need your fake family to stand up for you?" "stand up for yourself" as francis heard everything going on, she decided that she's had enough.

francis punched brett in the face "leave us alone, assholes!" billy thought that was hot but just started to walk away.  francis should've rethought that though because next thing she knew, she was being held against the truck by burke. 

"get off me shit head!" she said as she struggled to leave his grasp. "what are you gonna do princess? cry to mommy? oh yeah, you don't have one" billy heard this, turned around, and began to make his way to the scene. 

"hey" billy said before hitting burke and brett with freddy's crutch. "Man, sorry about that. That wasn't fair, but then again you don't fight fair, so..." he said, francis thought that was hot but she just ignored that thought. 

burke grabbed billy and punched him in the stomach. oooh thats gotta hurt francis said in her head. "back off assbags, I know how to use these!" eugene said, trying to sound intimidating but failed as he accidentally hit himself in the head with the nunchucks.

that gave billy a chance to run, so run he did. "hey! He's gettin away!" francis heard, but she was focusing on freddy. "freddy you okay?" francis said, helping him up. "freddy are you okay? are you hurt? c'mon let's go home" Mary said, helping freddy walk. 

francis glanced at her wrist to find them bruised. fuckin breyers she thought as she took a hold of her wrist, which were now starting to ache. 

as they got home, she noticed billy was still not there. I don't care, let him leave she thought, but secretly hoping he would come back.

woah longest chapter by far. if you guys liked this, comment your opinion! I'd love to know what you thought!

as always, goodbye my little rats❤️☺️

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