Chapter 24: disgusting and weird?

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„Hey, what the heck are you doing?", Sunghoon's shrill voice echoed across the property, causing us to separate from each other in shock.

I sank deeper into the water, trying to hide myself, while Heeseung backed away and lowered himself on his water-chair once again. That's definitely one of the most awkward moments in my whole life. This silence lasted years but also just seconds at the same time.

Sunghoon and his girlfriend placed the four take-away plastic bags on the table before looking at us questioningly.

„What do you mean? I just gave her my birthday present.", explained Heeseung and you could clearly tell that he was pissed as hell.

My brother side eyed his best friend suspiciously. „Since when are you giving presents to each other?".

„Oh, come on Sunghoon...It's super cute, can't you just shut up?", the blonde girl admonished him annoyed and also got back into the pool.

Damn, she was indeed beautiful. Her body and face looked just as flawless up close as it did from a distance. „Hi! I'm Yoojung.", she introduced herself. Why on earth would such a smart-looking girl let someone like Sunghoon wrap her around her finger.

„Hyeona.". I smiled back friendly, but my gaze drifted over to Heeseung sitting across.

„It's your birthday, right?".

„Uhm...yes, right.", I answered quickly, tossing my head around.

„I wish you the Happiest Birthday then.", she clapped excitedly and was suddenly interrupted by Sunghoon. „Are we going to eat inside?". He walked over to the bin and threw a handful of foils and food packaging away.

„Yeah, why not.", I answered and quickly stepped out of the whirlpool first, wrapping my towel back around my body. I rushed back into the house, leaving the others behind in confusion.

Since felt hella uncomfortable in my bikini, especially with the girl having a body like that, I really wanted to drag myself out of the spotlight.

My heart was still beating like crazy. I doubted it had calmed down for even a second in the meantime. I rushed to the bathroom and locked myself in while jumping around and squealing as quietly as I could before settling down on the toilet seat, exhausted.

„I FUCKING KISSED HEESEUNG". I texted Jungwon and dropped my head back against the wall, still feeling imaginary. How should I explain this to Sunghoon? How should I explain this to goddamn anyone?

I sighed and walked up to the mirror. My messy bun being messier than ever before. You couldn't even call this a bun anymore. It's just a wet knot.

A sudden knock on the door distracted me, and I tore my body around, now facing the frosted glass door. I tried to stand as still as possible, not moving a single muscle. I even held my breath.

Another knock. „You know I can see you.". Heeseung said in a low, quiet voice.

My brain needed to process a second that he was actually standing in front of the door, waiting for me. Hesitantly, I stepped outside, after fixing my hair as good as possible in the mirror. „You scared me.". He moved back, glaring around the corner, where Sunghoon and his girlfriend were preparing dinner.

„T-they will notice us. What are you doing here?", I whispered, slightly panicking.

He chuckled, lowering his head. „You kissed me out of nowhere, and now wanna act like nothing happened.". His stare was left goosebumps on my skin.

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