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The blood dripped from his forehead when he jolted upwards. It kissed his eyebrows, making him realize the damage he had taken. With no memory of what happened earlier, Faidon was aware that he wasn't supposed to be inside the holding cell. They weren't rustic because they weren't old, it's not a medieval prison he dreamed about his younger days - but more on, inside the floating space station of NASA's expedition team in the Andromeda galaxy. Station 13 - the section of the ship that he was supposed to captain.

He felt ashamed. He was supposed to be behind the Galaxy Map Navigation Control-or GMNC for short-because he's the captain after all. Or at least, that's what he believes with the fuzzy memory he's getting. Completing navigational courses, extracting unfamiliar compounds, collecting rock samples, and drifting along the sea space of the nebulas. Perfect crew attendance is a must with Faidon anytime he enters the hull deck. The name of the absent crew still lingers at the back of his head. 

Faidon quickly jumped towards the glass wall in front of him. Knocking the door for a response on the outside, only to be disappointed when no one heard him. Blood smeared the wall, Faidon kept on banging the thick glass that was keeping him inside. Distant screams of pain and anger bounced repeatedly on the confines of Faidon's prison. He became weary of his constant energy outburst. He sat, his back behind the glass wall, finally remembering what happened that artificial night. 

Checkup was done, everything turned out fine. Station 13 is in perfect condition. Their boss back on earth would be very happy. Faidon carried a holopad that includes all of his report. The moment he hit the "send" button, he felt some eyes making their way on his skin. He turned around, expecting to see a familiar face, only to identify nothing. There was no one else there with him. But he's stubborn that there was, so he searched for a whole seventeen seconds until he decided it was enough. He turned into a corner and there he was greeted by his second lieutenant. Arleta stood tall with her chin up. The same model of an holopad rest secure on her left arm. She smiled and greeted him goodnight, after he was struck with something from behind. Completely messing up his balance, as he falls to the floor with Arleta's feet a few inches on his face.

His prayers were heard. The door to the room that caters his holding cell opened. He turned his back, threw curses on the man-of which he was expecting a woman-with the familiar face all written on his head. He gave Faidon a set of pills to keep him alive and well. Faidon wants to disagree to the idea if only the man didn't flash a picture of his family.

"They are aboard on this ship, yes?" The man announced. "Be a good captain and do as I say."

Station 13: The Five RecordsWhere stories live. Discover now