The Sea Witch

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The prologue was in 3rd person I know, but i thought it looked better and to me it sounded better plus I write so much easier in 1st person though, and if you want me to change it back, thats fine, just message me or leave a comment :)

Chapter 2

I knew it was risky, and knowing the fact that she had a part in killing my sister, I hated the Sea Witch, but the only way to get to the surface was through her.

I had to swallow my anger, just for a little bit, so that I could take it out on the real killer. I swam with the tide and noticed that it was very stormy on the surface, but I forgot about that when I spotted what I was looking for - a deep chasm that lead down to the Sea Witch's cave. 

I faltered for a moment before my blind rage pushed me forward and I dove headfirst into the pitch black hole in the earth. I felt the pressure rise, but I kept going down anyway.

No human would be able to withstand the pressure at this point, but my body is kinda like a fish's- it equalizes once I get into deeper waters. In other words, my body adjusts to the pressure when I swim downwards. 

I didn't even see the giant cave until I was directly in front of it, and even then it just looked like a massive black hole in the rock. I gulped in my fear and closed my eyes before swimming headfirst into what seemed like nothingness.


 My tail flowing behind my torso flinched when it felt the sharp edges of the tight cave that seemed to be shrinking in size as I went down it.

I couldn't see anything and was prepared to give up when I felt my sides being scratched by the unforgiving rocks when I suddenly felt the cave sides widen and I almost thought I was in a dream until I saw a tiny light within the giant cavern.

I looked up to see the iight shine through to one little spot in the middle of the cave.

I couldn't help but go near it, the little ray of light was hypnotic. I had nearly touched it, when I heard something move behind me.

I spun around but still couldn't see anything until an old woman with a small "lantern" as one of my older sisters had told me it was called, came forward out of the darkness.

She was covered with a black cloth, making me wonder if she was really there, but I saw the hand holding the lantern and I was sure it was an old woman's.

The most striking thing about her was that she had legs. I had to wonder if I was even underwater anymore, so I tried to speak, but I couldn't.

I gasped, but that made no sound either. I had really hoped the witch hadn't taken away my voice like my sister, because I would need it to tell the prince who I was before taking my revenge on him. Otherwise it would be pointless.

As if she knew my intentions, she said, "I will not take nothing from you. You have done that yourself."

I couldn't make sense of her little riddle, so I pointed to my throat trying to tell her I couldn't speak. She laughed at me for some reason, and spoke in her cracky old woman voice, "Dear, you're just scared stiff. You're trying to be so brave in your head, but it won't work for your body."

I blinked. I tried to speak again, and I got a shaky voice saying, "Will you help me?"

"Only if it is your true desire. Your one purpose in your life. For your sister, she ended up giving everything."

Gulping, I nodded my head. She sighed, and muttered something that sounded like, "Yet another one..." 

Looking at me, she asked, "You're absolutely sure? Let me show you something."

My head turned to the side in question, and in front of me appeared a mirror. I looked closely at my dark hair that could reach down to my waist if it wasn't floating in the water.

Deep blue eyes stared back at me, matching the water churning above the surface. Then my eyes wandered to my long and rather beautiful tail, covered with scales and a few gems on the tail to signify my status.

"You may never have this back if you choose to do this," she said gesturing to the mirror. I stared questioningly, and she added, "My power lasts only so long. I am old and tired, my power is growing weak, so I have to take something of value from you to cast the spell. Even with something from you, it may not work fully. It could be that you end up as bubbles if you touch the sea ever again."

My eyes widened and I fully understood the danger of what I was about to do. Still, I nodded and tried to look as brave as I could.

She looked at me with a grim expression, and handed me something. I looked down at it and recognized it as a dagger. The same kind I gave to my sister so she could kill the prince and live the night she turned to bubbles.

She took her lantern with something tiny and glowing in the middle and brought it to the small ray of light in the middle of the cavern. Putting the orange light from the lantern under the ray, it began to glow white.

Pointing toward it, she said, "Go touch it. Thats your way into the human world. It will give you legs so you can walk."

I nodded, and turned to the tiny little orb of light.

I swam slowly toward it. It was tiny and a blinding light. I had only heard of something like this from my sister, because I had only swam to the surface at night just to see what it was like. It did not interest me like it had my sister, so I supposed in the day the town on the coast might have been better.

I looked back at the woman who nodded toward me, indicating that it was my own choice. I stared for a few more seconds, my hand went toward the light and faltered for only a second before I reached for it.

The light surrounded me, so I slammed my eyes shut before I felt a rumbling surrounding me. The light seemed to grow brighter, and I covered my face.

My eyes, even closed, started to hurt from the change in brightness, and I could now feel heat from above me. It wasn't a harsh heat, more like a comfortable warmth and gradually I got used to it.

The rumbling stopped, and everything was silent.

I opened my eyes to the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.


Wow, this was so much fun to write! Worth continuing? I think I will just because it's fun for me. But if you coulees tell me if it's any goos that would be cool ^^ so I guess i'll be working on the next chapter! :)

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