Beautiful Monster (Group, 2/3)

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Another day fell over Korea. Students were going back to school, adults were going back to their dreadful jobs; everything was the same as yesterday. As Cheong-san walked up a staircase, he stopped in his tracks and looked up to see Su-Hyeok's smile glowing on his face.

"Good morning Cheong-san."

"You're here early?"

"For today. My mom had to run early errands and decided to take me today."


Cheong-san met Su-Hyeok at the top of the stairs before walking with him to class. Cheong-san felt the other one's hand come in contact with his and didn't mind it at first, until...


Some students watched them come in while they still held hands.

"Why are you two holding hands?"

"Why are you two always walking with each other?"

"Are you two gay?"

"Do you two have a crush on each other?"

"Are you two dating?"

Cheong-san was visibly irritated by the questions the both of them were receiving. He didn't want to be questioned by students about if he—or Su-Hyeok—was gay, their skinship, or their very close friendship. Plus he didn't want any word about him being gay circulating with students.

"Can one of you just answer so we don't have to—"

"Could you just shut up? Cheong-san is not comfortable with answering those questions."

"But you didn't say that you weren't comfortable with answering them. So do us all a favor and please answer them!"

All of the girls in the class surrounded the two, desperate for an answer while most of the guys kept their distance from the whole situation.

"Answer, answer, answer!"

Su-Hyeok stepped in front of Cheong-san and acted like a shield for him, knowing that they wouldn't stop shouting at either one of them until they heard a response. The response that they would receive would come with no words, as emotions were enough for them. The room fell silent once everyone heard someone crying, which happened to be no one other than Cheong-san. His emotions leaked through him like water on paper. He felt overwhelmed by the shouting, the questions, the forceful words—everything. He started to cry, not knowing how else to react to the situation. Su-Hyeok felt Cheong-san's tears get onto the back of his uniform but didn't care.

"Look at what you guys did. You made Cheong-san fucking cry."

Su-Hyeok was pissed. He couldn't believe that his classmates would go this far to push an answer out of someone, especially if it had to do with them being possibly gay. Su-Hyeok knew that Cheong-san didn't want to be in the classroom anymore, so he decided to take him to the roof for some air. Once they made it up there, Cheong-san immediately clung to Su-Hyeok. He grabbed his shirt and just brung the boy closer, searching for any comfort from him.

"It's okay Cheong-san, I'm right here."

As soon as Cheong-san heard those words, he heard something else: and that was a pair of footsteps that were getting close to them. The strong smell of cigarettes always told Su-Hyeok who was near.

Cheong-san x Su-Hyeok OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now