pur x bay | guilt.

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Hello. Before I begin, I'd like to mention that requests are open for anyone who has any ideas for me. I'm open to writing about most ships, including:
~ Ban x Rayen
~ GL x Anyan
~ Blay x Kan
~ Kye x Lay
~ Otto x Tit (Tit will be aged up to an appropriate age, since he is confirmed 14 in the series)
~ Pur x Bay
~ Lang x Din
~ Lang x Din x Oti
~ Oti x Sac

Ships I will NOT write include:
~ Oti x Pur
~ Lang x Oti
~ Fara x Oti
~ Any of the 'background' ships in the series (Nil x Drake, Roy x Poul, Hong x Tay, etc)
~ Any other ship I may not have listed above

Anyways, with that out of the way, I hope you enjoy this first oneshot, my children.
Sink into the void.


Setting: Takes place after Bay gets shot, and is recovering at Oti's house. Pur can feel the wary stares of his friends(?), if he can even call them that, on him constantly, and eventually his guilt comes crashing down in an... ugly way.


Pur wonders if he'll ever remember the extent of what he did.

He knows he was preparing food that day, the day he opened the door and the red magician pinned him down, knocking him out with the toxins of some... potion. He knows he wasn't in his right mind either; it was though he were a prisoner within his own head, forced to watch and feel his body stalk through the city and paint the streets red. The raunchy color haunts him now— he can barely look at Bay's friend— Din, was it? —without his mind flashing back to the red potion, the crimson that coated his clothes and hands, and his angry, glowing red eyes that stared back at him in the mirror.

He thought that, when the detective managed to snap him out of it with just a few splashes of water, he would be able to return back to his normal life. He would find Bay, apologize to him (and his friends), and eventually they would all move past the incident as though it never happened. But of course, that was wishful thinking.

And now Bay was hurt. Because of him.

All because of him.

Pur can always feel their stares on him, fearful and angry inside. Din can barely stand being in the same room as him without Lang there to watch over him, like he were a ticking time bomb ready to kill. Speaking of, the white-haired boy always gives him a pointed glare whenever he walks by, poised and ready to attack if the magician so much as looked at him wrong. And Oti— he didn't want to think about Oti. Even though he acted the same around him, as he always did, in this context it became awkward and tense; especially after their little 'disagreement' outside of Oti's house, when he taunted him, telling him that he wasn't able to protect the person he loved. That he was paying for the consequences of his actions.

And, of course he was. He ruined them all, simply by existing. And he would never forgive himself for that.

Now, as Pur stared down at Bay, who laid sleeping underneath a blue bed covering, he was terrified to think of what he would say. What he would think. Bay was one of the only things Pur loved, and his life was almost taken from him, multiple times. Some small part of him urged to shake the half-demon awake and ask him, 'Why did you save me?! Why can't you just hate me?!'

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