5. Ravenous

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My eyelids feel very heavy, and my blood seems completely frozen. It feels like being in space. I could not hear nor move. Flotting in an empty space... I have absolutely no idea what death is supposed to be like, but if I could explain this sensation... the only logical explanation would be death. No?


Time appears to go slow.


A warm hand shook my shoulder, making me jump. As my eyes, with a lot of effort, opened, I discerned the face of my mother. She let out a sigh of relief when I looked back at her.

"You finally woke up!" Her voice was faint.

"What -" I looked at my surroundings to find a few people looking at me. They all had the same uniforms and equipment. A belt with weapons... "Huh..? What's going on??"

My mother was about to answer me when the man closer to me didn't hesitate to pronounce a name.

"Sandra. Does it ring a bell in your head?"

It, in fact, did. I recalled a small event. Sandra is the one I was supposed to do the cleaning duties with. I don't know why he's mentioning her.

"Uh... Sandra? Yes..? Sandra and I are classmates, why?" I read on his uniform : Mr. Sharon. And : Police.

My eyes widened. When I realized what my location was, my mind filled with confusion. Many questions crossed my head, and nothing made sense. I don't remember anything. How did I even end up here?

Sharon watched her reaction in silence before speaking again, "We have a couple of questions for you."

I looked up in his eyes and then quickly turned to my mom. I couldn't decipher her expression. My confusion and anguish only grew more and more. Something must have happened.

Multiple thoughts flowed in my head in a short amount of time. I quickly grabbed onto my clothes, but right after, I released them. My shirt had a few red stains on it. It couldn't be...

"Keep your questions to yourself! Can't you see the bewildered look on her face!?" Said my mother. She got up and placed her hand gently on my shoulder. "Let's go back home. You should go to sleep, you must be tired."

"I'm sorry, Ma'am, but she is suspected of attempting murder. We can not let her run free until we clear this up. You may call a lawyer, but refusing to talk would only raise suspicion, and we would be in the right to arrest her. We have the warrant to. Plus, we have evident proof already." Sharon said inexpressively.

My mother's hand tightened on my shoulder. When I looked up, she was glaring at the man with obvious anger.

As for me, I couldn't believe what I had just heard. Attempted murder... I would never. What proof do they have?.. Right, my shirt is stained in what looks like blood. I feel in top shape ; my body doesn't hurt from anywhere, and I don't see any wound. If it's not my blood, then whose blood is it? Sandra's?

A flashback swiftly goes through my mind. The texture of flesh, under my teeth and on my tongue, getting chopped into pieces. Usually, the mere thought of it would make me sick, but this time, I found myself drooling.

It shocked me so much that I almost jumped. This isn't me. "What am I turning into?" I thought as my heartbeat slowly fastened.

"So, what is it going to be? You call your lawyer or not? I don't want to waste too much time on that, so make a decision quickly. I'd like to ask the questions as soon as possible." Sharon was losing his patience as the silence was too present.

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