SFW; Eve meets Blair

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Evelyns' ship flew into the EDZ patrol area, hovering near the church a moment before flying past it, towards the dark forest that was ruined by the shard of the Traveler so long ago. The ship stopped in a clearing, transmatting Eve down as she observed her surroundings with a smile. In her hands she carried a small case labeled "mass spectrometer" and wandered over to a nearby stream, flowing with water the same color as though a black light were being shone over it. She opened the case and began taking samples of the water, humming a quiet tune to herself.

Nearby, a Warlock in dark robes ornamented with raven feathers dug through the fresh kill she'd made. A deer that had gotten trapped in a snare she'd set... But one of many she'd set up in a perimeter. The creature had stumbled into the indiscriminate trap, ruining it for actual, dangerous trespassers. However, it was good meat, and she wasn't about to let it go to waste. She slung the beast over her shoulders and headed towards a modest house in a clearing beside the river, taking the animal into an adjacent shack.

Back at the river, Evelyn packed up the research equipment and drew her Fighting Lion reproduction, following the stream to see where it led. She ran a hand across the trunk of an overgrown tree gently as she passed it, taking note of a well upkept house in the distance that was along the river. She stopped at another overgrown tree and used Solar Light in the shape of a jagged sword to cut off one of the branches to collect, the sound of the ignition reaching the house of the aforementioned Warlock. Inside the house, the Warlock whipped her head around to look out the door with a groan.

"That's not a deer..."

She drew an Osteo Striga reproduction from her back and slinked back out of the house, in the direction she heard the Light being used.

Meanwhile, with Evelyn, she followed the river to end up on the other side of the house, the door left slightly ajar. She tilted her head at it, and squinted when she saw a trail of blood leading inside. She was about to cross the river when she felt her foot knock against something in the ground. Immediately, a circle of dark green crystals lit up, surrounding a large central one that she had hit. From the outer shards, pale green flames shot up in a semi-circle formation and encapsulated Evelyn underneath them, the interior swarming with moths. The noise and oppressive nature of the Soulfire caused Evelyn to drop to her knees, holding her head until she was down on her side. She would, eventually pass out... Perhaps seeing a silhouette of a Warlock before going out completely.

When she began to slowly awaken, she'd be in a dark room of some kind, her arms and legs bound to the ceiling and floor respectively, held there by Strand threads, loose strings occasionally fading into and out of view. She struggled a bit against them, grunting some before she heard a voice ahead of her, shushing her, the Warlock emerging from the shadows, illuminated by a Hive rune at her feet glowing. When she spoke, her tone was a touch sultry, certainly victorious sounding as well.

"Shh... You're not going anywhere, little Exo. You're mine now."

Eve; "Um, excuse me? Little? I'm, like, at least 2 inches taller than you."

The Warlock grabbed Evelyns' face by the underside of her chin, Strand briefly wrapping and weaving over the Exos' mouth.

"I should shut you up and gut you, the Vanguard shill you are... But hardly a few words, and I find you amusing..."

She'd dissolve the Strand over Eves' mouth and drag her hand down the Exos' chassis, the claws of her gauntlets slightly tearing the fabric.

"And oh, so alluring..."

Eve shivered at the way she was being touched, and attempted to pull away... With debatable success, though she was still caught in the Weave.

Eve; "Hey, hands off the merchandise! Just who do you think you are?"

The Warlock chuckled lowly as she formed a swing of Strand for herself to sit on before the Exo, resting her hands on her thighs.

"Call me Blair... And you're trespassing on my property."

Eve; "Evelyn-7... Chief of Security."

Blairs' eyes widened at the mention of her title, and bit her lip... But not in a seductive way. More in a way that said "I'm screwed." Then, a sinister grin began to grow on her face, and she stood, draping her arms over Eves' shoulders, her face uncomfortable close to Eves'. Blair raised an eyebrow and sniffed a couple times, making eye contact with Eve and speaking quietly.

Blair; "... Is that maple?"

Eve replied with a whisper, her head pulled back as far as she could make it to keep distance between herself and Blair.

Eve; "Yeah... Do you have to be so close? At least take me out to dinner first."

Blair; "I want to make sure you're paying attention to me... You're Chief of Security for the Vanguard. I don't like the Vanguard. You're everything I despise... But I can't kill you. You're too important."

Eve; "Well, I'm glad you think-"

Evelyn was cut off by Strand coiling over her mouth once more.

Blair; "Let me finish."

Eve; "Mmmph..."

Blair; "Like I was saying... You're a very important part of the Vanguard... Much as I'd like to have you eviscerated and drained of Light... They'll be looking for you. If they're not already looking. I like my peace and quiet out here. Whatever you came out here for, I'll help you with it if you keep your goons off my back."

Evelyn was soon after able to speak as the Strand faded, and she let out a sigh.

Eve; "I was collecting samples of the environment to study how the Light was affecting the forest. It's nothing like we've seen before... Don't know if you can help with that... Though, I'd probably be more help to you with my limbs free."

Blair laughed and turned back to the shadows, unseen after moments.

Blair; "How stupid do you think I am? And what could you possibly help me with?"

Eve; "You seem the kind to enjoy Hive arcana and... related subjects. If I go and get you some of my Hive artifacts, and I get your word to not hunt down Guardians, I'll leave you be. I'll leave a beacon that'll tell ships this is a quarantined zone."

Blair considered her words in the shadows, pondering her own a moment before replying.

Blair; "Such artifacts like...?"

Eve; "Well, I got a fang of Xivu Arath... A Darkblade helmet... Some Ascendant Swords... A few Hive Ghost shells..."

Blair; "... Hive ghost shells? I'll take some of those. That would be both useful and appreciated, Evelyn."

The lights came on, and Evelyn would see a plethora of dead Ghosts mounted on the walls of the basement around her, with likely more behind her that she couldn't see. Eve, had she teeth, would've grit them at the sight, making Blair roll her eyes.

Blair; "Oh, don't get you panties in a twist, they were dead when I found them. No ghost in here died by my hand."

Eve let out a sigh, relaxing her shoulders slightly.

Eve; "... You know, I can't get the stuff while I'm still stuck here."

Blair shook her head with an amused chuckle and snapped her fingers, making the Strand dissolve and dropping Eve to the ground with a shout.

Eve; "Aah!"

Blair; "T'is a shame... You looked so good up there."

Eve let out a quiet groan with her faceplate against the ground before standing, letting out a quiet sigh afterwards.

Eve; "... I like a woman that's up front, but please, I hardly know you... And I can only assume that trap was yours."

Blair simply shrugged before climbing the stairs out of the basement, her robes trailing behind her.

Blair; "Like I said, I like my privacy."

She continued up the stairs as Evelyn adjusted her jacket, looking down at her shredded sweater with a pout before going to follow Blair up the stairs.

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