Chapter 1

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It was morning, the bright sun was shining in her eyes as she woke up from her alarm. It took Ally some minutes to finally wake up as she was tired from staying up late last night. As she reaches for her alarm to make it stop ringing, Ally sees 15 missed notifications from her phone. "I wonder what's that all about" she thinks to herself while stopping the alarm from ringing any further. After that, she got up and went headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth and hair.  When she was done, she went and took the clothes she picked out from yesterday night and put them on. As she finishes, she finally goes to check all the missed notifications she got this morning. As she scrolls down the notifications, she only sees 1 person through her dms, maxine. She had been waiting there all morning, as she texts her she walks at the same time to the window looking if she's still there, luckily she was since she was patient enough for her. She takes her backpack and rushes to her car. "HEY, YOU'RE FINALLY HERE!" exclaims maxine finally looking happy.  "yeah, sorry i totally forgot we made plans this morning" says Ally while being barely being awake. "Well, i see someone didn't sleep last night" says maxine while chuckling. "yeah, i was too stressed out, senior year of high school in a new school i never attended before, obviously i'd be stressed"  Ally says while sighing. "hey, don't worry you got me by your side." as maxine drives, Ally  takes a look from the window and sees all the high schoolers walking to school. Ally was nervous, and we could see it. As maxine stops at a red light, Ally makes eye contact with a particular boy. She couldn't stop staring. Maxine finally realizes and says "oh, you're looking at him? he's a player. trust me, you don't wanna date him." Ally quickly loses half the interest she had in that boy and stopped staring as maxine drives. As they both arrive to school, Ally's anxiety started to rise even more then before, but she fights it as she remembers maxine is here with her. They get in while maxine shows ally her new locker for this year. But ally quickly stops listening as she sees the boy from earlier walking past her. She thought to herself "I know he's a cheater, but-" Maxine interrupts ally from her thought as she snaps her finger yelling, "RU LISTENING TO ME?" says maxine while having an annoyed look on her face. "yeah, yeah" says ally while still staring at that mysterious boy. "Ugh, i told you. he's a player, do you want your heart to get broken?  Ally snaps out of it and apologizes to maxine as maxine shows her a tour of the classes. 

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