chapter 3: the suspected

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After Randy kissed my head my face flushed a deep red and I smiled "Randy why are you so nice to me like what did I do were all new here and your already so sweet to me its really nice" he smiled "It's because why wouldn't anyone wanna talk to you" I giggled as I pulled away
"Miss. Mackenzie please report to the front office, Mackenzie please report to the front office" I stand up collecting my stuff heading to the office as I sat down and looked at the officers

"Uh may I ask why I'm here" the officer nodded "Yes uh we have some questions to ask you" I nod "Yes of course" The officer looked at me "So we were wondering where you were last night" I touch my neck as crocodile tears fell down my face "um yesterday I had been beaten up by Jason so I had stayed home all night with my f-friends A-alested and Aaliyah" I said as I 'broke into tears' amd the police nodded taking notes letting me leave amd I walked put wiping my face

I went back outside amd looked fine as I gave a weak smile "Hey im back" I mumble as I fiddled with my hands sitting back down next to Randy hugging him tightly "what did they need" everyone asked in unison I look at the group and begin to tell them everything

Randy's POV
Me, Billy, and Stu glanced at each other knowing you were lying as she held onto me hiding her face into my neck as I rubbed her back pulling her into my lap as everyone talked "Are you okay" I whispered and she shakes her head no

I curl closer in his arms and kiss his cheek "I just wanna stay here i don't wanna move" Randy smiled "We have class sweetie we can't just stay here" I groan "I'm ditching who's with me?" Alester and Aaliyah looked at each other "Fuck it" they said at the same time as we went off to go for a walk instead of going to class until 2nd period since the three of us and Billy, Stu, and Randy we walked in the class seeing them sat at there table so we sit at ours while talking in class not giving a fuck about what the teacher has to say

"So and Randy seem to be getting along" Alester says smirking as I roll my eyes and blush "Cmonnnn do you like himmmmm" Aaliyah said smiling "No..well..yes..maybe..I don't know we just met the 3 yesterday and I don't wanna push yk especially because we killed someone last night and right now I'm not thinking about my fucking love life right now in all honesty" *I say in a whisper

3rd Person POV

The 2 looked at the young girl who was eyeing the one in green as she looked down playing with her rings as she sat there thinking about the young boy next to Billy and Stu until she was snapped out of her thoughts by the boy next to her as he snapped in her face


"Mackenzie are you ok?" Aaliyah asked concerned for me as I just nodded "Yeah just thinking sorry" I mumble and look at the teacher my eyes slowly wander to Randy but find there way back to the front "Look schools almost over so we can go home and relax. Maybe watch some horror movies when we get home" we were sat at the table across from Randy, Stu, and Billy so they looked as I said "what about prom night"

Aaliyah's head tilted "have we seen prom night before" she asks "you 2 haven't or at least I don't think alester has but I have" Aaliah nodded "So are we going to the Video store to get the movies for tonight" and I roll my eyes "Nope, were gonna go and steal them" I say sarcastically "I heard Randy works there so maybe you can get away with it he might want something in return though" Alester smirks and Aaliyah laughs at his remark "Yo imma fuckin gut you like they did Casey and Steve in a fucking second kid" I said glaring as I whacked Alester's stomach and I'm surprised aaliyah wasn't absolutely dying over here as she heard that remark as she was close to falling out if her seat (which me and alester were beting on)

(Lmao I didn't even realize I put dying right after Casey amd Steve getting gutted part thats 1 fucking insane and 2 absolutely hilarious)

Aaliyah kept laughing the point she gasped and she fell out and I smirked "Pay up fucker" I said and alester gave me a 20 slapping it into my hand and my smirk grew wider "Are you girls okay" the teacher asked worridly "No ma'am were actually mentally I'll and fucking insane" I said once again in a sarcastic tone so alester threw a book at me hitting me in the head "You hit me in the head you dick" Alester smirked "I may be a dick but I don't have one" I groan "I mean you are what you eat" Aaliyah said

With in seconds i burst out laughing and alester shoved aaliyah and kicked my chair so we both fell and I curled into a ball laughing until we got sent to the office so we got up holding back our laughter til we left the room as we proceeded to laugh like fucking hyenas down to the principle office but since our principle was a creep we were let off so we headed back to class and sat down holding our laughs back

"Are you 3 gonna listen instead of disrupting my class" we looked at the teacher no answering "Good I'm glad" I smirk "Just cause we look at you doesn't mean we agreed" I say under my breath as I looked at the class making eye contact with Randy quickly looking away from him I blush thinking about his lips against mine but I cover my face knowing I'm just being stupid and begin to distract myself by paying attention

I'll be writing chapter Chapter 4 in a bit im just trying to get out enough chapters for people to wanna actually read the story

Shank || P.B.Sحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن