SFW; At the (security) Gates

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Evelyn sits at her desk with her eyes closed, her hands holding up her head, a fatigued expression plastered on her faceplate. She massaged her face with a quiet groan, nearly slumping forward before she caught herself. She was brought out of her sleepy demeanor by the blaring of the security gate to her right. She Blinked away from the desk and over to the gate in a whirling of Void Light, fists clenched... But releasing them when she saw a Warlock and Hunter pair, and smiled at the sight.

Eve; "Mac! Eden! What are you two doing up here?"

The pair turned around to reveal themselves; Eden was an Awoken Warlock with flame red hair and piercing aquamarine eyes, while Mac was a gold colored Exo with yellow eyes shining brightly, contrasting the green haze of the security gate lights.

Mac; "Oh, hey Eve! I wasn't sure how to get your attention so... I used this to trip the gate."

Mac would hold up an Eliksni Shock Pistol with a sheepish grin, and Eden crossed her arms.

Eden; "I told him we could just call ahead, but he thought you'd be busy."

Evelyn shook her head with an amused chuckle, planting a hand on her hips.

Eve; "Well, something that drastic means it's something important, yeah? What's going on?"

Both Eden and Mac shared a look between themselved before holding up both their left hands, showing off the rings on their fingers, each made from a nut fashioned into a ring, etched with stars.

Mac; "We're engaged, Eve!"

Eve gasped and held her hands over her mouth, letting out a near inaudible squeal.

Eve; "Oh, my Light! Congratulations you two!"

Once she removed her hands from her mouth, she gingerly held Edens' hand, examining the ring up close.

Eve; "And look at these! Mac, did you make this?"

Mac; "Yep! The ring was easy to make... The courage to ask was the hard part."

Eve; "This is wonderful, you two! Gah, this just made my day!"

Eden; "But that's not the only reason we came up here. And I want to preface this was my idea, it was the getting your attention part that was Macs'..."

Mac shrugged with a chuckle.

Mac; "It worked, didn't it?"

Eden; "Yes, but-"

She let out a huff before continuing.

Eden; "I remember you saying you like to bake, so... Eve... Would you want to make the wedding cake?"

Eves' eyes shone brightly, her mouth agape at the question posed, the excitement filling her frame made her bounce a little in place.

Eve; "I'd love it! ... I would be honored to do that for you two!"

She gasped again, clapping her hands out of elation, not dissimilar to a seal.

Eve; "Can I invite my friends?"

Eden; "Sure, just not too many-"

Eden was cut off by Mac speaking, louder than her to the point it overshadowed what she'd said.

Mac; "Go for it!"

Eve; "Alright! Don't worry, I won't bring a whole party; just the ones I know would want to go."

Eden let out a sigh of relief at Eves' reaction.

Eden; "Thank you again, Evelyn... Now, would you please let us through? We were gonna go to the bazaar to get some ramen."

Eve; "Of course! Sorry to hold you guys up for so long."

Mac; "No problem! Thanks again, chief!"

Eve waved to the two and warped back to her desk, flicking a switch that turned off the plasma barrier preventing passage. The couple walked through the gate, hand in hand, waving Eve farewell as they went out of sight.

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