14. Todoroki Excursion (Pt. 1)

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Note: This chapter is not yet proofread 

From as early as you could remember, you were never alone. There was always some kind of shadow lurking in the background, not quite tangible and not quite visible, but clearly there. This creature radiated some sort of protective aura--your muddied memories would sometimes credit it to a kind of parental warmth any loving parent would have for their child, but upon closer inspection, you could see it was different. The vigilant gaze from this being at times, almost seemed cautious or nervous, hesitant if you would yet it also emulated an obsessive fancy over you.

You were merely a child then, you didn't quite comprehend these complex feelings swelling in the gold hued creature and your parents then only chalked it up to your excitable imagination. They never saw this being you spoke of, not at first in the very least and once they saw him, not they nor you were able to draw the parallels he had with this shadowy apparition.

"Kai-kun, if you could take (Y/n) outside to play, mom and dad have some things they need to talk about," her closed-eyed smile perfectly concealed the tension in her shoulders from your large doe eyes, but the frail boy next to you remained blank faced and unconvinced. A disgusted scowl worked itself onto his features and he gripped your tiny hand in his, tugging you along with a muttered, "you're not my mom". Perhaps he had said it with the intent to wound the fair skinned woman, but she held no attachment to the boy, no love or deep connection, all the words really managed was to irk her a tad; what reason was there for him to be here? If only her little lamb hadn't taken a fancy to him, she would have been rid of him long ago.

"Whatcha wanna play today nii-chan?" the echo of your squeaky voice ricocheted in the brunette's cranium, almost immediately washing away the distaste left in his mouth by your parents. His genuinely happy smile, his glistening childlike eyes blossoming with excitement--it was a look you hadn't seen in years. Where had it gone? Why were you seeing it now?

You slapped a hand over your eyes, shielding them from the pesky rays of sun that had the audacity to peek through your curtains. It almost seemed like an eternity since you had an undisturbed slumber and your intention was to revel in this rare opportunity, but the light seeping into your room and the strange dream you had was enough of a wake up call for you. With a resigned sigh you kicked off your duvet and slid out of your bed, a glance at the now empty mattress was a reminder of the child you had stowed away at the Todoroki residence in your haste the previous day. Yes that was another matter you had to attend to, the sooner you retrieved Eri from their care, the sooner a sense of normality would return to you. As irresponsible as it sounded, being her caretaker, the little bluenette was similar to an anchor for your mental stability, she grounded you to reality, kept your consciousness from wandering off into the realm of memories and unattainable dreams. She was your priority now, anything and everything you did was for her, to give her the life you always wanted, and the life she deserves.

"I'm terribly sorry for having left Eri in your care so suddenly yesterday, I promise it won't happen again Fuyumi-san," you bowed deeply to the older female causing her to shake her hands embarrassedly back and forth.

"No, no it's alright Hisaki-chan, I understand that circumstances pop up at random. How did everything go with your father?" Fuyumi inquired as she gestured for you to come inside the house. You were quiet while you removed your shoes at the genkan and followed the female Todoroki to the living room. Your shoulders sagged in relief when you saw Eri seated on the floor with Shouta, though you weren't familiar with her new companion. He was a male with red and white hair and like his hair his eyes were mismatched, turquoise and grey. "Shoto, this is Hisaki (Y/n), Eri-chan's older sister. Hisaki-chan, this is Shoto, my other little brother, he helped look after Eri yesterday." The multicolored hair male nodded in greeting and pulled himself off the ground, Eri following suit.

The child hesitantly shuffled to you, unsure whether or not you were the same (Y/n). You crouched so you were eye-level with the six-year old and tenderly grabbed her hands after removing your gloves. "Eri...I'm sorry for scaring you yesterday, but I promise you, 'nee-san' is not like Kai." Red orbs glistened with tears as Eri threw her arms around your neck, the two Todoroki siblings watching in confusion. You kissed the little girl's cheeks and rubbed her tears away, giving her a small smile in the process. You then swept the child into your arms as you stood back up and gazed at the two siblings, "Thank you again, Fuyumi-san, Shoto-san...ah and in regards to your prior question Fuyumi-san, everything is fine at the moment," you explained. The woman's face lit up with a warm smile and she clasped her hands in relief.

"That's wonderful, Hisaki-chan! While you're here, why don't we talk about Eri-chan's school situation, I was hoping you would stay for dinner actually." You blinked rapidly, utterly baffled at the bespectacled woman's hospitality and consideration, before giving a small hesitant nod. Fuyumi's smile widened and you could have sworn she jumped a smidge in joy. "Oh that's great, I was afraid you would say no-Shoto," she turned to her brother, the male had just been standing next to her idly, a mildly bored expression dawning his attractive features.

The scarred teen blinked quietly and glanced at his sister, indicating he was listening to her, "Shoto, will you go to the market with Natsuo and pick up a few things for tonight's dinner?" The younger Todoroki's lips twitched into a small, almost nonexistent frown in seeming refusal, but he nodded nonetheless.

"Natsuo!" Fuyumi called loudly for the other brother who came bounding down the stairs, a broad smile on his face as he approached you and Eri.

"Hisaki-chan, back so soon?" The grey haired male joked, noticeably sweat-dropping at your lack of reaction as all you had offered him was a small nod in response. "Aha uh anyways, what's going on? Why did you need me Fuyu?" Natsuo looked around, barely noticing that the bespectacled woman was nowhere to be seen as she had gone to scribble down a shopping list.

As she returned with a small paper in hand and handed it to the older Todoroki brother, you slightly rocked on the balls of your feet. You had wished to ask them if you could tag along on their marketing trip as you had needed to do some shopping of your own, but you didn't quite know how to interject yourself into the exchange between the two Todoroki siblings. "If..." you began quietly, inwardly cursing yourself for the meekness your voice held, you supposed that you were merely missing your brother-all this family interaction was making you miss your own family. You cleared your throat and straightened your posture before speaking again, "If it's not too much trouble, I would like to accompany you on your marketing trip Natsuo-san, Shoto-san." Natsuo smiled down at you and gave a thumbs up along with, "Sure! It's no problem!" In contrast, the little Todoroki brother didn't even spare you a glance, merely mumbling a "I don't mind".

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