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A peculiar flower indeed.

A flower that only grows where harsh winds blow. They say it is "just as intangible as the true heart of an unbound soul".

In the language of flowers its meaning is, "the truest feelings of the prodigal son".

Albedo never quite understood the meaning of Cecilias. Though he did know what the words had meant, he couldn't grasp its actual meaning and understand it to the fullest.

The beauty of the flower was, in fact, what many people would call, ethereal. Maybe that's what drew him to it. So much so that he had used the shape of its petals as inspiration for his Solar Isotoma. Albedo's interest to the flower could almost be described as an obsession. He did not know himself however, what made him so interested in it.

Perhaps it's the meaning of Cecilias.


Some days you can find him, sitting on a rock on Starsnatch Cliff, gazing longingly at the sunset and admiring the Cecilias.

He'll sit there, having questions. Questions that no amount of research could ever help answer them. Sometimes he'll think of her.

Is she all right?

Will I ever see her again?


"I'm a synthetic human being...a human forged by human hand."


He is made out of chalk, out of alchemy.

By his master—

His master, who left him.

Who left him to do a mission.


"The truth of this world...what could it be?"

He's mused this question to the Traveler many times before.

Making new discoveries, learning new things, questioning life itself. He believes each one of these will help him come closer to finishing his mission. Or closer to seeing her again.

It was his mission to find out the answer, after all, and he's not ready to give up just yet.

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