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I wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, literally. The bright sun pierces through the curtains, forcing me to awaken from my peaceful slumber. I let out a groan at the blinding light, squeezing my eyes shut in a vain attempt to block it out.

"Piss off," I mumble, pulling the airy, fluffy duvet over my face to shield myself from the relentless sun. But even with the duvet, I can still feel the warmth pressing against my closed eyelids. There's no going back to sleep now.

I roll onto my other side, hoping to find a more comfortable position. My arm falls onto an empty space—no Kawaki. I groan again, annoyed at the prospect of getting up. I abruptly sit up to look around the room, hoping to catch sight of him. The emptiness of the room sends a sinking feeling into my stomach, an unsettling thought that maybe he left without saying anything.

I let out a deep sigh of relief when I hear the sound of running water from the bathroom. At least he's still here. Kawaki wouldn't just leave without a word—I know him better than that. The lingering worry fades as I get out of bed, but my legs feel weak, as if I'd run a marathon.

As I stand, my knees buckle slightly, forcing me to grab onto the bedside table for support. The aftermath of recent events has left me feeling drained, physically and emotionally. I take a moment to steady myself, breathing deeply to regain my balance. It's a reminder that I need to take things slow, even if my mind is racing with everything that's happened.

Fucked me so hard I'm struggling to walk, I know my standards of reading Jiraya sensei's icha-icha collection wouldn't fail me, nor would Kawaki fail Jiraya's standards. Books set my standards to high for the real world but it seems Kawaki has fulfilled that role in more then I way in intimacy and affection. 

I find the silk night robe I wore last night neatly folded on the bedside table, and I slip into it, feeling the smoothness of the fabric against my skin. I make my way to the bathroom, taking unsteady steps, unsure whether I should go in or not. The shower is on, and Kawaki is inside, naked.

A blush rises to my cheeks at the thought of Kawaki without clothes, the memory of seeing him last night still vivid in my mind. The closeness we shared, the way his body felt pressed against mine—it was unlike anything I'd ever experienced.

I hesitate, then knock on the bathroom door three times, uncertain if I should disturb him.

"It's alright, you can come in," Kawaki's voice reverberates through the bathroom, a confident invitation that sends a chill down my spine.

I take a deep breath, trying to maintain my composure, and open the door. The steam from the shower envelops me, and the first thing I see is Kawaki rinsing shampoo from his hair. The water flows over his toned body, highlighting every muscle.

"Come shower," he says casually.

"Uh, no, no, it's alright. I'll shower after you ge—"

"I've already seen everything, so you may as well come in now, princess," he replies, his gaze meeting mine.

His words are bold, and I can't help but feel the heat in my cheeks. I take off the robe and step into the shower, folding my arms around my chest, trying to hide my embarrassment. I keep my gaze away from him, but his eyes roam over my bare body, sending a shiver down my spine.

Kawaki steps closer, his hands cupping my cheeks, tilting my head up to meet his gaze. "Look at me," he says softly, but with a hint of authority.

I meet his eyes, and the intensity of his gaze makes my breath hitch. His other hand trails gentle patterns along my neck and shoulders, his touch light and teasing.

"Look at all these pretty marks I made on you," He mumbles under breath.

"Yeah I noticed," I reply softly rolling my eyes, "Dads gonna probably yell at me, probably you to when he finds out it was you, no that's an understatement, Dads probably gonna kill you."

"Then my princess will have to come save me now, wouldn't she?"

"That's assuming I would help you in the first place," I say teasingly with a smile.

"Of course you would, you couldn't live without me gorgeous," He replies back with a fading smile.

"What's wrong?" I say with a rising panic, "Are you regretin-"

"No, no, no princess nothing like that," He replies reassuringly while turning off the shower and walks out the shower wrapping a towel around himself and me, "Something that Boruto said." 

"What did he say Kawaki?" I say clutching the towel around my dripping body.

"You know that I tell you everything, so," He says running his hands through his hair now whispering the next part, "Boruto was talking about you, in a way that men shouldn't talk about women."

"He what," I said sternly slightly raising my voice.

❛ ━━・❪ Timeskip : 1km away from the village; walking; (got off the train 30 minutes ago)  ❫ ・━━ ❜

As we near the village gates, I find myself growing more excited with each step. I start swinging my left hand, which is coincidentally intertwined with Kawaki's, causing his arm to swing with mine. His laughter joins mine, filling the air with a lightheartedness that I hadn't felt in a while.

"Why are you suddenly so happy?" Kawaki asks, his smile widening as he looks down at me.

"I don't know," I say, laughing. "I feel so happy when I'm with you."

We continue to walk a few more meters before Kawaki lifts my hand above my head and spins me in a circle. As I twirl, he pulls me into his chest, one of my hands on his chest while our intertwined hands drop to our sides. His other hand cups my neck, and he leans in, pressing his lips against mine. The kiss sends a rush of warmth through my body, making me feel light and giddy.

"You're so pretty," I say, gazing into his gray eyes.

"Pretty? I'm not a girl, princess. Say something else," he says, blushing, "But you know who's pretty? You."

I let out a giggle, wrapping my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist, lifting me and spinning me around. As he gently sets me back on the ground, I start to speak, but a sudden burst of pain in my shoulder cuts me off.

"Kawaki, I lov—aghhh," I scream in pain, clutching my shoulder. The world begins to spin, and my hearing becomes muffled. I look down to see a dart lodged in my shoulder, filled with an unknown purple liquid. Whatever it is, it's spreading quickly, weakening me.

"Y/n!" Kawaki yells, his voice full of concern. He catches me as I start to fall, holding me tightly in his arms.

"Hey, hey, you'll be okay. Just stay with me, please," he says, his voice cracking with fear. "Y/n, please, I just got you."

Through my fading vision, I see Kawaki fighting against a cloaked figure in a brown hood. The figure is a puppet, its pieces scattering across the ground as Kawaki easily dismantles it. But then, a larger, well-built figure emerges from the bushes, someone I recognize—the physical manifestation of Katsushikki. Her voice is chilling as she speaks.

"I'll come for Y/n one day, and she will be mine," she says before dispersing into the wind.

"My mom, Kawaki... hospital," I croak out, struggling to stay conscious.

"Yeah, okay, just keep your eyes open! Please, Y/n, just don't close your eyes," he pleads.

But it's too late. My strength gives out, my vision blurs, and everything goes dark. The last thing I hear is Kawaki's desperate voice, filled with fear and helplessness.


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edited; 04/may/2024

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