Chapter 5

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if it's in bold it's a POV.
enjoy reading!!!

Lunch turns around the corner and the hallways are crowded. The group goes straight to lunch, sits down in their normal spot and waits to be called to get their food. Taylor isn't with them and she heads straight for Ms. Lauren's room. She knocks on the door and Ms. Lauren answers.
'Could I stay here again for lunch? Are you busy?' Taylor asks.
'Sure. Your always welcome.' She says with a smile.
Taylor walks in making herself comfortable in the nearby bean bag chair.
'What's up? Something bothering you?'
'On Friday, some of my friends came over around noon. I saw a stupid vision of Ty- Uhm, never mind. Then me and my friends ended up in a huge argument and it ruined the mood. But today one of them decided everything would be suddenly cool like nothing happened, so I was pissed off and kinda went at them.' Taylor muttered.
'You should try talking it out with them, let them know how you feel about the situation and that you're in a very tough place, try to understand each others sides and get over them.'
'I don't feel too comfortable talking with them right now.' Taylor replied.
'Well, whenever you feel comfortable you should talk it out.'
Taylor nodded and she ate snacks from her backpack.

In the cafeteria, the table was voiceless with everyone distracted on their phones.
Logan breaks the silence. 'Quick question for you guys. Do you guys know why Taylor was super hot headed when she rushed into the classroom right before first period? I know we aren't exactly on her side right now, but she's still our friend and I'd like know.'
No one knew.
Ben started typing on his phone. 'I was in the classroom with Logan when she first came in. Aiden, Ashlyn? Do you know anything? Sorry to discomfort you with the question.'
'I have no idea. I didn't even know she was at school today.' Aiden awkwardly chuckled.
'Weren't you literally apologizing to her this morning??' Ash questioned.
'Oh. Uhh, that was Taylor..? 😓 Guess I didn't realize..' Aiden awkwardly chuckled again, more forced then the first one.
'Oh. Okay Aiden.' Logan doesn't question Aidens weird chuckles and obvious fake lies.
Everyone goes back on their phones and the lunch table is completely voiceless again. Ashlyn turns her brightness down on her phone to hide messages from Aiden who was happily eating the school's special. She scrolled through her contacts on messages and clicked on Taylor's.


                               taylor 🌺

                                                Hi Tay where are you?
                                            Why aren't you at lunch?

taylor 🌺
I'm in the therapy room rn
and I didn't feel too comfortable
sitting with you guys

                                        Can we talk privately later?

taylor 🌺
Oh yea sure! illl meet up
at your locker after 7th period?

                                                          Yea see you then!


Ash sighed in relief that Taylor said yes and that she thought that she could help work things out with the group. She didn't know what she would say to Taylor and she would start thinking about it in 7th period, before they met.


just wanna let you guys know that if S2 comes out on 3/29/23, I won't be finishing this. But if it doesn't come out then, I will continue.

someone pls tell me the date it officially comes out 😭

thank you!!

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