Chapter 1 - The Day of Application (1)

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A month later...

The village was quickly flooded with bustling crowds on the day that had arrived: the day of applications to join the soldiers of Colbourne. It was also Leo's 16th birthday. The Grey house was exploding with screams and nags from the siblings' mother. 

"Hurry up, Curtis you're taking forever! Celia go see what your brother is up to."

"Honey, go get Curtis he's going to be late. Oh happy birthday, Leo! Aw, c'mere my little puppy give me a hug... Curtis hurry up!"

"Curtis why is your hair in such a mess! Come on, you're 18, you can't even do these simple things... CELIA WHERE IS YOUR HANDBAG? Aw Leo you look so handsome! You're definitely going to get accepted by the royals and become a fine soldier!" Leo's mother bent down and kissed his cheek before squeezing him.

"Mum...! I'm gonna... suffocate-" Leo grunted before she finally let him go. Leo looked away as he gasped for air. His mother crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, "Oh, come on, I didn't hug you that tightly. Come on now... CURTIS GET DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!"

Eventually Curtis lost his patience as well and the house was filled with an extra voice for the morning. When Curtis finally got ready and was out of the house, Leo and Celia were already on the way there. 

"Those jerks..." Curtis muttered as he picked up speed to catch up with them.

When they reached the royal palace Adellai stood waiting at the entrance. Ignoring the stares and glances along her way, she immediately sprinted towards the siblings and violently pulled them in for a hug. 

"Glad you made it! Oh, and happy birthday Leo!" she grinned. Leo smiled and said, "Thanks. Now where's my present?"

"Dun have one." Adellai simply shrugged as she spoke. Leo frowned, "the queen of Colbourne City, the richest of us all, doesn't have a present for her humble best friend?"

"Alright, alright fine! I'll get you something. But don't you run away when you find out its worth!"

"Pretty sure I'm worth a lot more than some jewellery." Leo huffed. Adellai snickered, "Sure."

"Even I got a present for my brother whom I love so dearly!" Curtis cut in. Leo and Adellai both turned to him and said, "Shuddup."

Adellai had been regularly visiting the siblings for the past month; she even joined in on their story-time. They had become very close, it was almost as though she was part of their family. When the parents found out, they were surprisingly fine with it. As long as they didn't get in trouble with the royals.

"Woah, is that Queen Adellai? Wait a minute... is she talking to Leo Aglar? The one with those yellow golden-ish eyes?" a voice sounded within the crowd of people who turned their heads to look at the group. 

"We're attracting attention..." Curtis muttered uncomfortably, glaring at the staring people walking by, "I don't like it. I think Leo is going to be as popular as Adellai at this rate."

"Woah, Leo's eyes look so cool in person!... wait, is he talking to the queen?"

"They seem so close..."

"His eyes look like they're glowing under the sun, so majestic..."

"Do you think he's secretly a wizard?"

"Who is that blonde-haired guy standing with them?"

Curtis made a face at the person who was referring to him. He mumbled some words under his breath as he strolled through the gates of the castle. Leo and Adellai followed him in, tailed by Celia and their parents; all while ignoring the stares and mumbles the rest of the way.

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