chapter 1

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New York 1942

Smoke filled the alleyways from the sewers as the stars barely sparkled due to all the lights outside the alleyway.

You clutched your gun attached to your hip inching towards the alleyway while you heard a child's laugh becoming more quiet as they saw your figure in the smoke.

You finally revealed yourself as the kids froze their eyes frozen on you.

"W-who are you..?" The older girl courageously spoke holding onto her supposedly younger brother.

"You don't need to know that." You hastily pulled your gun and pointed it at them. As their hold on their brother tightened.

The brother hid her face into his sister's chest before muffling crying.

Your pointer finger landed on the gun's trigger hesitantly.

You stared into the sister's eyes as they struggled to hide their tears and shaking figure. Suddenly you pointed to the sky and shot Two bullets.

The children held their breathes and you put your gun away.

"Get out of here while you still can..." you whispered to the children as they ran past you in a haste leaving you now alone in the alleyway.

You huffed out putting your hands into the pockets of your blackened trench coat while rushing out the alley ways onto the busy street of New York before the police arrived.

You walked till you found a huge building with several signs of 'NO TRESPASSING' you ducked under the broken wired fence before making your way inside the building.

"So did you do the job?" A familiar voice appeared in the shadows. "Yes I did." You spoke aloud while the man revealed himself.

It was Anthony.

You breathed out a breath you didn't think you had he raised your eyebrows as he combed his blonde hair out of his view "Wow didn't think you would have it in you toots." He walked forwards to a red couch and sat on it prompting his feet on the table.

You resisted the urge to look behind you for the sake of panicking anymore, but you could already tell HE Was getting closer by the way his loud foot steps coming seemingly closer.

You heard bullets hitting trees and the dirt ground as your hair whipped in the wind as you struggled to find your way.

"Get back here Y/n!" Your dad crackled

The rushing wind breezed on my hair, as I was running, with a panic state. "GET BACK HERE Y/N!" I heard my dad yell after me, multiple gun shots can be heard right behind me, I was running away from my dad in the forest, it was dark and hard to see at midnight, "oh shi-" I trip over a huge branch, I quickly get up, and start running even faster, trying to be very caution where I step.

I start to run out of breath, so I hide behind a tree, trying to slow down my harsh breathing, I hear slowed footsteps going left, so I start walking right trying to be quiet. snap. I imminently stop moving and look down to find I stepped on a twig, just my luck I thought, I quickly look behind me to see if he notices, which to no Suprise he does, so I start sprinting, but before I could get very far a loud gunshot can be heard, I then feel an intense burning sensation on my leg "AAAAAAAAAA!" I screamed out terrified, and fall over,

" I got you now Bitch!" I look up to see my father with my shotgun with a crazed look on his face "I thought you'd last longer since you were taught by me, but you were always just as useless as I thought.", "Dad please don't shoot me!" I beg, he then grins "You should have never done that then. " Was his last word before I then hear a loud gunshot following with a feel of burning sensation on my chest, I look down to see a hole right in my heart, I start to feel regret, my vision starts to go black, while I still look at my father, I see him picking up a shovel ready to begin burying me with no ounce of regret on his face.

Words: 319

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