chapter nine

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Who's sick idea was it to open this damned circus?

Crimson thought bitterly, shifting in his seat on the wooden bleachers as you and moxxie watched in wonder at the circus imps.

The bright colors, the sounds, the music. It all mesmerized yous, which he was thankful for. Giving him time to collect his thoughts.

It was so damn early. Who in Satan's right mind would be up at 9 pm? Definitely not him.

It smelled horrible, the kids are too loud, causing him, and you discomfort. Moxxie is in his own world watching and his 'wife' is coming back with drinks.

Looking back at the ring he watched as two young imps did their tricks.

You watched in awe, as blitzø and fizzarolli back flipped, landing on a big beach ball before bouncing off. Bowing to the cheering crowd.

You were mesmerized, sure. Fizzarolli was good. Exceptional good, but blitzø had this shine to him. Even if he couldn't make a normal balloon horse, he always seemed to bring the audience back in with his silly jokes, his bad puns.

In your eyes, he was a bright shining star. Even amongst the other brighter stars he out shined them all.

You were disappointed that you'd not get to see another performance, that being because the harvest moon festival was on the same day as it. Truly unfortunate.

Moxxie was amazed, such confidence, such charm. If only he was like that. Then maybe, just maybe. He would be accepted by his father.

Looking down at his lap his fingers weaved themselves past the small golden buttons that were sewned onto the pants holding them shut.

Fizzarolli pushed to be the best, when it came to performing. Hoping for one day become the best performer in mammon's circus. Perhaps that would impress you.


Blitzø shouted, watching his friend fall to the ground. He had missed his hand, grabbing onto a small strand of twine only for it to snap from his weight.

Fizzarolli's breath caught in his throat,  the crowd gasped. Mother's blocking their young childrens view from the horrific sight.

Fizzarolli's body ached, he couldn't fell his arms or his legs. And he was far to scared to look at the damage that had been done to his body.

Blitzø's eyes were the size of saucers, fizzarolli's arms were bent the wrong way, the bone poking out of his red flesh. His legs looked like the had been crushed by a jumbo sized nutcracker.

His tail was bent a way that showed his tail bone sticking out in a bunch of places.

On the right side of him was a chunk of his horn, snapped clean off.

Blitzø slide down the rope, ignoring the burning pain he felt as he landed a few feet behind him. Blitzø rushed to fizzarolli's side, listening to him mumble nonsense.

"Did- did y/n liiiiike the bac- back fliiiip I did?"

He slurred out deliriously, most likely from blood loss.

Every body was urshed out the tent. Moxxie's face a light pale-ish orange color, your father held your hair back as you up-chucked your breakfast into a nearby trash can.

This was not how your father thought things would go, in fact he was so sure that'd it go fine. Crimson was too tired to console moxxie, he just wanted to go back home and relax.

Looking over to you he watched in silent disgust as you threw up what you had eaten that morning. How would the harvest moon festival go? Would it be a deserted, would you even like striker?

Well he'd just have to find out cause the harvest moon festival is in two days. Two days to prepare, two days to get outfits ready and food to get into containers for the long trip.

Bending down he scooped up your exhausted slumped over body in his arms as moxxie passed out in his mother's arms.

"Alright, kiddos. Time to go home."

Word count 667

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