Soulmate or not?

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Such a fascinating concept. One would be lucky to find the other half of their soul, their mate. That one person who completes you, makes you feel whole again.

Even if you might've never known that you could ever feel in such a way.

"Mom! Have you seen my other shoe? I can't find it anywhere!" (Y/n) called out, crouching down and looking around for her missing shoe.

"Have you tried looking on the staircase?"

"Of course I have! It's not anywhere!" The girl slumped. "I can't believe I managed to loose my shoe! I've officially got the worst luck ever."

"Oh quit your sulking." Her mother said as she entered the hallway and walked over to her daughter. "I'll find that shoe of yours."

"It's pointless mom! I've literally looked everywhere and there's absolutely no sign of my other-"

"Found it."

The awestruck girl looked at her mother as if she'd just done the most mind-blowing magic trick of all time. "What? How?"

Handing her the other shoe (Y/n)'s mother patted her daughter on the back. "Not important, now get a move on kiddo! You don't want to be late for school now, do you?"

Shaking the disbelief off her features, the (h/c) haired girl took the shoe and put it on, tying the laces into a neat knot.

"Bag? Check. ~ Uniform? Check. ~ Awesome attitude? Double check. M'all ready to go!" She smiled before giving her mom a quick hug goodbye.

"Bye mom! I'll see you after school!"


A person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. Most would consider themselves lucky not to have an encounter with such a person.


Although a few. There are certain exceptions who'd be thrilled to meet that exact person.

With her hand tightly holding the strap of her bag, the girl made her way towards her new school.

UA High.

The school for the best of the best. The best school in Japan for any and all who sought a career in the hero business. Be it as a support item designer or a hero, UA was the best place for the job!

After all.. The top heroes had graduated there, so it only made sense that it was the best.

I can't believe I'm actually attending UA! This is so cool! Maybe I'll get to meet some Pro-Heros while on campus. ~ Wasn't there a rumor about All Might teaching there?

That would be so coo-


"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!-" She immediately apologized.

"Are you blind or something? Can't you fucking see where you're going?" A gruff and extremely abrasive voice sounded.

It was coming from the ash blonde who she'd bumped into. The boy appeared to be around her age and absolutely pissed.

With a scowl matching the boy's one, (Y/n) took a step back. Tilting her head up she glared at him.

"Rude much." She spat, a strong distaste coating her words. "I already said I'm sorry! What else do you want me to say? ~ Perhaps a written apology? Would that suit your needs?"

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