Hard way down

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Henry's pov

"Those damn losers I can't believe I died because of them the king of derry killed by losers!" I thought to myself "but anyway where am I it's too bright to see jack" I heard voices screaming at each other "that's mine give it back bully!" "You come closer I'll burn you so can look like Michael Jackson come on take the step you baby!" was that Patrick "PATRICK IS THAT YOU, YOU WEIRDO?!" I shouted it went silent "HENRY?" it was him "PATRICK WHERE ARW YOU, I CANT SEE SHIT" "HOLD ILL COME GET STAY WHERE YOU ARE" it was Patrick I was about to break down in tears but kept my together that's when I was him, I ran towards him and hugged him.

Patrick's pov

I watched as Henry ran over to me and hug me I hugged him back as tight as I can to keep him close to me as possible "how did you die" I asked him, and his face started to turn red " I fell down a well because one of the losers pushed me in.." I started laughing "the king of derry was killed by some loser that's a turn of events but let's get going cus you don't want to stay here too long or you might be blinded by my shining light" he started laughing "your shining light ok crazy" we started walking to most of where the dead kids were "PATRICK! Your back Avrey told me you ran off and who's that?" "hey Georgie this Henry is one of my friends from when I was alive" I smiled at him " oh so your Patrick's boyfriend he talks about you a lot and avrey  said y'all were dating since he can't shut up about you" looked at my dumb younger bother who was laughing his head off " IM GOING TO KILL YOU AGAIN YOU PIECE OF TRASH!" I yelled at him "THEN COME DO IT YOU JERK!" As I started to get my lighter and hair spray "calm down it's not that deep plus I don't mind ok pat. Plus it's not like it's false info." I looked at Henry in shock at what he said " I thought you weren't an 'f@g' hen?" I said "yeah well it was a lie, ok I am".

Henry's pov

I couldn't believe I told him or even said that out loud " Hen why didn't you tell me when we were alive?" I started at him for a second " because news travels and if my dad found out I would be dead like am now.. and I didn't want things to get between us-" I felt Patrick pull me into a tight hug.

Averys pov

"I told you they liked each other so pay up" I laughed as Georgie kissed my check "sorry I lied, I don't have anything to give you" he smiled at me and left "I can't stand him but his too cute be mad at" I walked to Georgie and sat next to him and pinched his nose "owww stop that hurts!" he yelled "that's what you get for lying" I grinned at him.

I did it a little early then I thought was but I hope you guys liked it :) and Avery and Georgie are like 12-13 in this so don't come at me

561 words

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