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After Sehun's sobbing session, I invited him to stay at my place for dinner. I prepared a simple dinner for the both of us while as Sehun readied Sangchu's food bought from the shop. It took us more or less than an hour for Sangchu to finally eat the dog food since he only wanted bread and bread and bread. And so, using bread as the dog's weakness, I told him, "You won't be able to eat bread again if you won't eat and finish the food in front of you. I mean it."

And as soon as we saw him starting to munch the dog food, Sehun and I focused back our attention to our dinner.

"I'll let Sangchu stay here once again for tonight." Sehun stated before taking a spoonful of rice. I looked up at him from my plate then I let out a wide grin, secretly celebrating.

"Don't be too happy. It'll be the last time since my place is still dusty and all." He added sheepishly which made me scoff at him. Oh how he knows when to shatter my happiness.

"Since it's still dusty and all, don't you want to stay overnight?" I asked and saw him scrunch his head. "Well you could use my sister's room or my room, whichever you're comfortable with." I recommend.

"No thanks. It's okay. That only means leaving Sangchu to you again tomorrow." He stated in flat tone.

I mentally rolled my eyes at him by his last statement. "Fine, fine. Whatever fills your boat."

We went back to eating until Sangchu popped out of nowhere, both palms rested on my legs and he seemed like he was asking for something.

"What?" I asked the dog and watched him open his mouth, letting his tongue out as he breathes.

I was still confused on what he was asking for until Sehun took his spoon down after taking his last bite and told me. "He wants his bread and milk."

"Ahh." I nodded. I stood up and collected our dishes before grabbing a pack of bread and milk from the counter. I squatted down and placed the bread on his already clean plate. Oh this dog is a follower after all.

I was still squatting down, watching Sangchu eat the bread when Sehun grabbed his coat laid on the couch and wore it. "You're already going?"

"Yes, it's already late." He nodded at me as he grabbed his bag. 

"Are you sure you don't want to stay?" I asked him one last time while I followed him near the entrance.

"Yes, I'm sure." He nodded once more.

"Okay go home safe." I bided, letting out a small smile.

Sehun opened the door and made his way out before saying, "Stay safe, the both of you." I nodded sheepishly just to notice him squatting slightly to ruffle Sangchu's head. When did he got here? This sly dog.

Standing straight once again, he then faced me before ruffling my hair just like what he did to the dog. He muttered a goodnight before walking away and I was still there, standing frozen in my place.

It took me minutes or so to regain my composure and to close the door behind me. I raised a hand unto my head to touch my hair where Sehun ruffled at, but instantly replaced my hand to my stomach. Something inside my stomach is churning once again but I was sure that I'm already full from the dinner. Deciding that my stomach is still hungry, I ate packs of bread and milk with Sangchu the whole night.

The next day, I woke up earlier than I usually do since I didn't want to let Sehun see what he witnessed yesterday morning.

After eating breakfast with Sangchu, we both sat on the couch and watched television until we realized that it's almost lunchtime. That's when I started questioning. "When is he going to come?"

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