Rating the items in MK8D

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Green shell: If used with precision, you can easily snipe someone... and mess their race up. Nothing beats the pride you feel when you successfully make a green bounce off a wall and snipe your target! 8/10

Red shell: Annoying as hell. I always turn these off in my tournaments or friend group races. They are ok, I mean it's good if you get one, but there's like NO skill needed to use this item. 5/10 

Blue shell: Every person in 1st place's nightmare. However this item makes it fair for other racers, if the 1st place has a massive lead. I still hate it lol. 6/10

Super Horn: Helpful... but overpowered for 1st place. If used in time you can also mess up multiple people, as well as escape the damned blue shell. 7/10

Blooper: I mean it's ok. It's not exactly helpful. I can still see past the black ink quite well, only time this messes me up is if I hit a banana by accident because I did not see it, which is basically the point of this item I guess... 6/10

Feather: I think this is only in battles? It's useful, if you use it properly and right on time, you can dodge a lot of stuff. 7/10 

Boo: Literally annoying. For the user and other racers. It steals someone's item, can ruin their race if they needed said item, while giving the person with the boo an item that won't help them much in the place they are in since you usually get Boo in further back spots. 5/10

Bob-Om: Very good if you have good precision with it. You can snipe people and ruin their races with these. Throw it in front, wham the person ahead of you, or throw it backwards and keep those on your tail, away. Can also be used to dodge reds if you throw it back just before the red hits you. 9/10

Mushroom: Good, I mean of course it's good. It gives you a good speed boost and helps you do some crazy shortcuts, which can be your ultimate advantage. 8/10

Golden Mushroom: Even better than the mushroom. 10/10

Bullet Bill: So helpful. It is fast, it is tough, and best yet, you don't have to steer! A 200 CC savior for me because I cannot do 200 CC competitive lol. 10/10

Super Star: Like the Bullet Bill, except you still have to steer. Good speed boost, invincible. 9/10

Fire Flower: Good if you can aim, other than that I don't exactly like this one. 7/10

Boomerang: Hit them throwing it forward or backwards, and hit them when it returns. Being able to hit enemies like twice is good, then you get 3 throws with this thing! 8/10

Piranha Plant: Nah, you can still be hit, and it doesn't even give you much speed boost. Sure it's helpful if you're near a lot of people, but other than that nah... 6/10

Coin: I mean this is like a troll item lol. Though it can be helpful after being hit, to give you more coins. So it has it's uses. 6/10

Crazy 8: I mean obviously the best item in the game. You get multiple items... all of them good! 10/10

I don't think I missed any, except for the triple items which I purposely left out... 

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