Chapter 26

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*Backstage at the concert*

I stepped out of the dressing room. Alyssa just texted me and told me that they were almost here. I paced in front of the room they would come through at any moment. The door opened and I stopped pacing.

Standing in front of me was the guy I watched walk out of Alyssa's apartment the other day. My blood went cold. A.J. glared up at me.

"What the hell are you playing at? Don't you dare play with Alyssa. If you hurt her, I'm going to seriously hurt you," he threatened.

I was about five inches taller than him so I used my height to intimidate him.

"I would never play with Alyssa. Let alone hurt her. Get the fuck out of here or I'm going to call security," I said.

"Oh... not man enough to take me on yourself? Gonna called security? Your a pussy," A.J. said.

Before I could react, Alyssa and her squad walked through the door. Alyssa stopped in her tracks. A.J. turned around and walked straight up to her.

"Alyssa, come with me. That pussy behind me won't even fight for you. You don't deserve him," he said grabbing her hand to take her outside.

"Bullshit! And I deserve a douche like you? Bullshit! I love Luke, so you can just leave," Alyssa said yanking her hand away from his.

Instead of saying something, he just leaned down and kissed her. Ah hell no!

I walked up and pulled him off of her, but before my fist could make contact with his face, Alyssa stepped between us to stop me.

"I've got this Luke," Alyssa said.

She turned around to face A.J. Her hand connected with his face so hard it left a bright red hand print on his cheek.

"How dare you come here and confront my boyfriend over me? How fucking dare you! I was never yours, A.J. I was just your friend. I never thought of you that way, but now you have also lost my friendship. Leave and never come looking for me. Never expect a call, text, or a random visit from me again. I won't come. I never want to see you again. How fucking dare you," she said.

Alyssa was so angry she couldn't even yell.

Without a word, A.J. walked out with his head down in defeat. He looked heart broken. I didn't even feel pity for the jackass.

Somebody cleared their throat behind me. I just remembered that the other girls witnessed all of that.


*Backstage after the confrontation*

Alexis cleared her throat. I turned around to face her and my face flushed.

"Way to go girl! I never liked the guy," Alexis laughed.

That was true. Alexis hated A.J. Now, I didn't blame her.

"Well, we don't have to worry about him anymore," I said.

Luke wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt strong again.

"How long until you have to go onstage?" I asked leaning back into him.

"Not for another hour or so," he answered, "Will you come outside with me?"

"Sure," I said.

He let me go for a second and then grabbed my hand. We walked outside.

"I have a very important question to ask you," Luke said looking into my eyes very intently.

"What is it?" I asked getting worried.

"Would you move in with me... in Australia?" He asked.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"Would you move in with me in Australia? You can transfer colleges to one there, and you could live with me, so you wouldn't have to pay any rent.." He said rambling.

I kissed him. That was the only way I knew how to shut him up.

"Is that a yes?" He asked smiling.

"No... It's a fuck yes," I said.

We went back inside. Both of us were smiling. I found out the other girls were moving to Australia to, so I wasn't the only one. This made the move even better.

Damn... My life has changed so much in the past two weeks. In a good way though. I knew I had a fantastic adventure waiting for me just around the corner. And, I couldn't wait for it to start.

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