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  The True Beauty of a Girl in Secret

Author: while Kim Chae-won was getting ready to go to school, she was not sure to go to school because she felt that she was not pretty enough but then she realized she cloud buy makeup for her.

Kim Chae-won:  Umm I do not know if I am pretty enough, I do not feel pretty at all I am going to put makeup on, but I do not know how to do it ahh why I am  just not going put make up on I give up. in summer I will practice. But if I do not do it that early I will still look ugly ...this so hard I better hurry up before my mom calls me and screams at me.

Chae-won's mom : Chae-won  hurry up and come down and eat your breakfast.

Kim Chae-won: oh, crap yes mom coming

 Kim Chae-won: Mom I am here sorry

Kim Chae-won: It is fine, but you must eat more, you are looking pale so eat!

Kim Chae-won: okay mom

Kim Chae-won thoughts: The reason I look pale is because I'm on a diet, but my mom does not know because if she did, she would worry and go mad so better shut my mouth

Kim Chae-won : okay Mom I am leaving I gotta  go to school bye love you mom

Chae-won's mom: okay bye take care and your little brother and older sister will not be home and I will not be home too so come early or buy some food, so you are not hungry bye

Kim Chae-won thoughts: even how many times she tells me that I am lonely all the time mom, and everyone is never home because they have to work . it hurts but is their choice to stay or not. Not  choice of mine so better just not say anything.


Kim Chae-won thoughts : here it comes everyone knows me as the weird girl and some do not well Chae-won  ready again like always probably somebody will bully you again bbecause of the mask get ready.

????: Chae-won (whisper)  I do not why she wears that mask she must have an ugly face, or she is worst Haha

Kim Jinwoo: Hey Chae-won (whisper) I do not know why she wears that mask, but I bet she is cute and pretty lol like she would .

Author: Kim Jinwoo is a boy who is kind but mean all the time. The only reason he did that is because he thinks she might be hiding it, but he does not like her, and they are not friends.


Kim Chae-won: well mom is not here again, and everyone all the time is not home well better do homework, and I am going to eat ice cream.

Muriel chin sun Jun Gyeong: Yummy this ice cream is so good, * looks at watch *okay time study.


Kim Chae-won: wow I am tired well I am going to take a shower


Kim Chae-won : that was refreshing okay I am going to sleep because tired.

Chae-won’s mom: Chae-won were Home come down

Kim Chae-won: What how ugh right when I was going to sleep.

Kim Chae-won: okay going

Chae-won’s dad: we brought some cake *hands it to her *here have some.

Kim Chae-won: oh thanks dad * starts eating *

Chae-won’s mom: did you do homework and study for the test you have next week and how your grades ?

Kim Chae-won: yes mom I just finished studying and I did all my homework and my grades are all A’s.

Chae-won’s mom: good job 👏 keep working hard.

Kim Chae-won: by the way why do did you guys bought cake?.. did something happen?

Chae-won’s dad : actually yes I got moved in a higher position in my job which it gives me more money for all us .

Kim Chae-won: oh that’s nice dad I’m glad .

Chae-won’s dad: so how’s school? it going well ?

Kim Chae-won: its going  well for all the homework.

Chae-won’s mom: do you have new friends?

Kim Chae-won: not really I haven’t met anyone yet it’s better if I Focus on my studies.

Chae-won’s mom : okay but you can’t be all boring all the time .

Kim Chae-won: okay Mom .











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